New Necessities
October 11th, 2021 by thesuper

The necessities human beings are organized in levels and a hierarchy of importance that according to pyramid of Maslow presented below in picture 1 describes this level of necessity: Hierarchy of MASLOW necessities Picture 1: Source: Wikipdia, the free encyclopedia. Pyramid of MASLOW Maslow defended that the individuals if felt motivated to satisfy its imperative necessity in a period of its lives, thus in its model of theory the first necessity to be carried through would have to be of the physiology that the individual carrying through its basic necessities would appear another one in its place having thus arrived to reach the last one that it is of auto-accomplishment, but the same believed that this hierarchy of necessity would not be applied to all. According to NUNES, Walber (2008), it describes in one of its works that ' ' The theory of Maslow corresponds to the trivial necessities of the human being for survival, however it does not establish systems which people can reach and later evolving of fase' '. Some people to reach physiological necessities and of security already are part of a personal and professional auto-accomplishment. The concept to supply wills can vary very, according to author in accordance with the reality of the world contemporno appears to the necessity of a new hierarchy of the necessities presented in picture 2: Au Auto-Accomplishment Physiological Necessities Ne Necessities of Security Physiological Necessities Social Necessity/Social Necessity NecNecessidades de Estima/Necessity of Esteem Picture 2 New pyramid of the necessities Source: NUNES, Walber. Reformularization of the theory of Maslow published in 27 of August of 2008. In accordance with the NUNES (2008) the human being needs esteem so that it can auto-value itself, to recognize its potential and power to motivate other individuals. Thus following the order of the necessities arriving it finishes it that it is the auto-accomplishment, reaching the capacity of full evolution of systems, feelings, processes productive and mainly of our capacity to think of the current world.

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