Cleaning the colon improves the metabolism considerably and eliminates one of the main causes of increase of weight. Causes of constipation + not to drink sufficient liquids, especially water. + not to make sufficient exercise. + By delays when going bathroom when the necessity feels. + a noncontiena diet that the suitable amount of rich fiber foods (kidney beans, crude cereals of bran fruits, vegetables, integral grain rice and breads).
To eat too many milky products like milk, the cheese, yogurth, the ice cream, also can cause that one has hard intestinal evacuations. How it would have to be a normal digestion? A person with normal intestinal evacuations, must have: + Between 2 and 3 intestinal evacuations to the day, when daily ones interfere two to three comidad. + the evacuation must be without effort. + Must lack scent. + Must leave with sensation of satisfaction and cleaning when finishing. Constipation, Overweight and Obesity With illustrative aims, we can say that when we do not have regular evacuations, the toxic remainders are accumulated, causing that are absorbed poisonous substances in the body.
The immediate effect, is that not only we carried these toxins within our organism, but also we are loading physically with an additional weight, leads which us to the obesity. To prevent the estitiquez the symptoms with the estitiquez, include a general annoyance, and to persist they can bring medical consequences. The estitiquez can be prevented or be corrected with a good consumption of fiber and water. If we are not having a good fiber consumption in our diet, next we showed a treatment to him that can help him to supplement the fiber in our diet and to help us to obtain a optimum gastrointestinal health. Treatment for the constipation a natural treatment to correct the constipation problems, must be based on a good consumption of water and fiber and nutrimentos for the digestive apparatus. If it wishes, in the following connection it can see the treatment for the constipation and estitiquez Estitiquez, causes and solutions original Author and source of the article