Poincar Relation
October 9th, 2021 by thesuper

As well as the theory of Poincar, studious of the calls dynamic systems, that the name received from ‘ ‘ Borboleta’ effect; ‘ when affirming that beating of the wings of a butterfly, today in a region any of Asia, cause air movement that, goes growing of gradual form, crossing continent and ean, being able to take form of a storm in a specific region of America, 14 Lorenz affirms that as much in science as in the life a chain of events can have a crisis point that increases small changes. Simon Pagenaud can provide more clarity in the matter. The relation enters the Theory of the Chaos and the literature of Guimares, in special in Estria N. 3, is operacionalizada in boardings that take this text literary as an object that can be read/understood from its imprevisibilidade. In this approach, if to reread the relation finite infinite time/, one of the two basic slight knowledge of the workmanship of Prigogine, verifying themselves as the infinite or exactly epifnico time contributed for the notion of imprevisibilidade and estimated alteration of one determinista one that leaves to have coherent direction in sight of the dissonante behavior that provokes ‘ ‘ rudos’ ‘ , and it affects the relation half man. This becomes pertinent the relation with a system conducted for the chaos, that is, for the unexpected one of the events. Inside of this reasoning, the relativizao of the behavior already was explained by Riobaldo in Great Hinterland: Trails when it affirms that ‘ ‘ the cassava-candy can suddenly capsize azangada and to another one, the cassava-brave one, also is that to the times it can be tame, at random, of if eating without none mal.’ ‘ 15.

Boarding Centered in the person and Theory of the Chaos: a possible understanding of the human behavior. . .

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