Quality Management Is Compulsory For Doctors
April 8th, 2010 by thesuper

Contract doctors, medical centers and hospitals have approved in the future to introduce a einrichtungsinternes Quality Management (QM). There’s no way around it. In 2004, the legislature has created with the amendment of the Social Code V, the basis for a mandatory quality assurance in medical practice. It was also noted that the Joint Federal Committee on Quality Assurance and Quality Management in the contracted supply determined. The Joint Federal Committee has adopted in October 2005 a quality management policy for contractual medical care, at 1 January 2006 entered into force. Thus, the quality is already one of the mandatory measures. Moreover, this Directive has been adopted with the basic requirements for a quality einrichtungsinternes. As a transitional period for the introduction of an In-Clinic QM system introduces a time limit of four years after the entry into force of this Directive. The report concludes thatPhysicians, psychotherapists and health care centers, yet until 2010 to meet the requirements. However, it is advisable to check in time, opting for a quality management system. For, in the introductory phase, there may well come to any disruption of business practice, especially if such an intrusion into existing work processes is done under time pressure. The practice managers are free to develop its own quality management system or to rely on well-known examples from the industry. In addition, various medical organizations offer special schemes. Information about the legal framework for example, offer the Federal Medical or the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance (KBV). Not necessary to introduce a certification system for quality management in contracted practices, is required, an additional certification in accordance with 135a para 2 and 136a (SGB V), however, is not necessary. However, although certification is not required by law, it turnsMarketing perspective makes sense. The KBV example, plans to introduce in about two years ago, a quality label for physicians. The aim is that the patient can see already on the shingle, whether the doctor delivers a good job. From the patient’s perspective, such a quality seal can be decisive for the choice of doctor. “He who creates can be certified in time, giving them a competitive advantage over reluctant colleagues”, says Dr. Michael Jochemczyk, managing director of IFSEC. Currently, according to PBV homepage already 31 doctors and psychotherapists step daring. Author: Jrg Birkel

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