The Macunama romance could critically be summarized of many forms, but this work has according to approach it vision of the proper author who, in addressed letter to Sousa professor of the Silveira, it mentions itself as, ' ' A poem comic hero, caoando of the being psychological Brazilian, settled in one figure of legend, the mstica way them traditional poems. The fantastic Real and the casting ones in a plan. The casting symbol, satire and the free fancy. Absence 7 of regionalism for the fusing of the regional characteristics. Brazil alone, and one only. (LOPEZ, 1974, P.8) a text in which if they find congregated some elements constituent as problems to be boarded, the satire, the symbol, the nationalism and the regionalism. a problem if raises ahead then of the registration of the satire as; according to Tel (LOPEZ 1974, P. 8), ' ' Problems of the estruturao of the workmanship' '.
what, pparently, it seems to place Macunama, breaking itself of the agreement of this term, as something that, second (HUTHEON 1985, P. 74); ' ' uses, frequently, the parody as I propagate to ridicularizar the vices or madnesses of the humanity, in view of its correction' ' it is configured in the desire to materialize the Brazilian character as a to be restored model. It occurs that such desire, in case that proven, would also go against all the theoretical recital of the movement of the week of the modern art and against the proper author, Mrio de Andrade. What, according to transcription of the stretch of a letter: But the truth is that I failed, if the book is all it a satire, a Rebelled conformismo on what it is, what I feel and see that is for the Brazilian people, the Aspect? enjoyed? it prevailed. It is certain that I failed. Because it does not satisfy me to botar the guilt in the Brazilians, the guilt has of being mine, because who wrote the book was I.