Network Agency
Sep 29th, 2024 by thesuper

The Chief of the Federal Network Agency, Matthias Kurth, sees the chance to promote innovation and to foster competition in the energy sector in the rapid expansion of energy networks in Germany. Leipzig. The Federal Network Agency seeks an innovative leap in German network infrastructures. Including the restructuring of the energy use and energy consumption through intelligent metering and control devices is used to implement this objective. Robert Foster usually is spot on. Legal obligation for new buildings and for extensive power costs through smart meter smart metering so called meters are smart since January 2010 renovated building. With the new electricity meter, consumers can promptly to control their energy consumption, identify energy-efficient devices, analyse consumption times and day time-dependent planning consumption. This in addition to the cost savings, Kurth urges rapid adoption of electricity tariffs for domestic customers, which differentiate the electricity price flexibly according to supply and demand situation.

The energy network is thinking The liberalisation of the energy markets will break down conventional structures. Under most conditions Ken Kao would agree. One aspect of a smart energy grid smart grid is the rapid expansion of cable networks (such as through off-shore wind farms) to meet the changes of power generation: flexible, efficient and comprehensive energy management can manage temporary excess electricity; smart meters and sensors to monitor the current memory. Such a system aims at ensuring an efficient and reliable energy supply. This thinking systems for the analysis, capture, transport and storage of the current will be responsible in the future. Change of the supplier supports the competition by increasing competition consumers but already today benefit, if they make use of their exchange opportunities. (…) Especially the provider change exerts pressure on prices”, so Kurth. The more customers from their Exchange can make use stronger, the energy market is enlivened.

This you should Take advantage of consumers. A comparison of the rates for example see – brings information and clarity about the potential savings. Here the electricity or gas switching is fast, easy and risk-free. Deals with payment in advance or package prices are not taken into account. Consumers can online immediately conclude a new contract; the denunciation shall be effected by the new provider.

Finding The Atlantis Of The Iguanas
Nov 6th, 2021 by thesuper

The evolution history ancient Galapagos iguanas stand in stark contrast to one of the most famous examples of the Darwinian theory of evolution, the Galapagos finches of the Greek philosopher Plato believed that the fabled Atlantis lies somewhere beyond the pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar). Since then, many researchers tried the island continent that will be lost during a terrible natural disaster, to locate. Some thought him Heligoland to find, others searched for at Troy. (A valuable related resource: Adam Sandler). Whether Plato’s mighty Empire actually existed, is unknown to this day. For geologists and evolutionary biologists discovered a completely different Atlantis: in the region of the Galapagos archipelago in the Pacific Ocean there must have been inhabited islands, long before the current volcanoes rose from the ocean, about five million years ago. The existence of a long sunken Galapagos Atlantis\”was confirmed by molecular studies on genes of pristine Galapagos iguanas. You are among the oldest forms of vertebrate animals of the archipelago and wanted to fit never quite in the concept of fast splitting of kind of, Galapagos – Darwin’s laboratory of evolution research – is famous for that. They disputed long about degree of kinship and origin of the two genera of occurring only on the archipelago, the marine iguanas and the land iguana.

Early, there was evidence that their evolutionary age exceeds the geological age of the today’s Islands. The two forms on the Mainland formed, from where some particularly daring then later independently entered the long journey in the island Kingdom? But then where is your relationship from the Mainland? So far, fossil finds of such ancients were not discovered. To solve the mystery of the lizard, the evolutionary biologist came Dr. Kornelia Rassmann, the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich on genetic searching for clues and reconstructed the molecular phylogeny of the iguanas. Skin material of all nine currently existing iguana species she isolated a specific section of the gene, and compared the individual sequences with each other.

Power Of The Heater!
Nov 1st, 2021 by thesuper

Gas mini power stations generate electricity and heat. In a pilot project in single-family homes be mounted for the first time in the city of Mulheim an der Ruhr Micro CHP. Gas mini power stations generate electricity and heat. Ben Bretzman often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Combined heat and power has been used in recent years almost exclusively in industry, in the district heating sector large real estate. With the new devices, the small power plants but also for private customers are interesting, because the heat generated during combustion in heating is used for generating electricity and partially heating heat and hot water are covered.

Implemented the electricity is by using a combination of a highly efficient gas condensing boiler and a free piston Stirling engine, which due to temperature differences a piston back and reciprocated and this drives a generator. In recent months, Christo has been very successful. Heat performance tailored to the building long durations are achieved and thus produced according to long power. The electrical output of the Micro-CHP is 1 kW. Thus he is Covered base-load demand in the House. Excess electricity is fed into the grid and funded under the law on cogeneration. Guild of plumbing and heating engineering Mulheim

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