Word window comes from the old Norse 'vindauga', 'vindr – wind and' auga – eye ', ie' wind-eye '. In Norwegian Nynorsk Norwegian and Icelandic old form survived to this day (in Icelandic only as a less used synonym for gluggi). In Swedish, the word vindoga remains as a term for a hole through the roof of the hut, and the Danish 'vindue' and Norwegian Bokmal 'vindu', a direct relationship with the 'eye' is lost, just like for the 'window'. You may want to visit Jorge Perez to increase your knowledge. Window the first time early 13th century, and originally mentioned unglazed hole in the roof. People such as Glenn Dubin, New York City would likely agree. Window replaced the Old English 'eagbyrl', which literally means 'eye' and 'eagduru' 'door-eye'. Many Germanic languages however adopted the Latin word for 'small box 'to describe a box with a glass, such as the Swedish standard' fonster ', or the German' Fenster '. Use the window in the English language is probably due to Scandinavian influence on English language through loanwords during Viking age.
English word fenester used as a parallel to the mid-1700's, and fenestration is still used to describe the arrangement of windows within the facade. Primitive windows were just holes in the wall. Shutters that could be opened and closed, the windows appeared later. Over time, the windows were built to and protect the residents and ploho passed light: the window glass mullioned, who joined the multiple small pieces of glass with offset, paper box, smoothed part of the transparent animal horn, and plates thinly sliced marble. The Romans were the first to use glass for windows. In Alexandria, about 100 years bc Began to appear at the window glass with poor optical properties. Glass windows were popular among wealthy European estates, whereas paper windows were economical and widely used in ancient China, Korea and Japan. In England, glass became common in the windows of ordinary homes only in the early 17th century whereas windows made up of glass smoothed horns of animals have been used 14C-century in North uk. Windows from floor to ceiling, contemporary style became possible only after the industrial glass making process was perfected.