The Google e-mail service suffered a cut in service. He was estimated that affected 2% of users, which means, in real terms, that 7 million mailboxes ceased to be accessible by your users, reporting a temporary 500 error when trying to log on. Fault was inference a las 19: 46, on which google made an official communication, regretting the inconvenience. The reason for the problem happened, was reported in no time while, began to generate widespread user dissatisfaction. Ben Bretzman helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. In the absence of a number to call, and the lack of information offered by the opening of incidences of google system, users bombarded twitter with a lot of messages on the subject, becoming the Trending Topic.
We currently live in a society that depends entirely on electronic communication systems. This leads to failure of such systems, even for a short period of time, to cause discontent, and even panic in users. In the case of mail electronic, the solution is simple: have another mailbox with an alternate provider, and have a copy of our contacts to be able to stay connected to these messaging services, despite a failure in the system used commonly. Audea security of information Department of security ICT source: El Pais