The Desert
Aug 10th, 2021 by thesuper

To catch a lion wilderness, to the plane of the desert, putting vertically projected in a straight line. A straight line, placing the vertically projected to a point. And if at this point put the pre-cage, the lion will be right in this cell. Apparently, this kind of simple problem-solving within the framework of Einsteinian abstraction inspired by most physicists and mathematicians to promote the theory of relativity. In general, most forms of science about the same as most in politics. When a political party comes to power, the majority was right there: as you please, vote for someone. Authority in science is the opinion of leading scientists. And it should only leading scientist to say: This is something there, as here, the majority begins to play along: of course, who does not know.

In 1921 – 1925 Miller's, suggesting that air, capturing the Earth's gravity at the surface of the Earth is on this surface fixed, conducted experiments on the Michelson scheme at an altitude of 6000 feet. The ether was discovered. But it was too late. Most did not want to hear about these facts. Most have sought only the facts supporting correctness of the theory of relativity. And found them: a ray of light from the star, passing near the Sun, as predicted by Einstein's theory, is curved. Most of the triumph, ignoring the fact, the beam is not distorted as was done in theory. The angle of curvature of the beam in the period of weak solar activity was less than half the predicted by the theory, but in periods of high activity – twice.

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