Feb 12th, 2024 by thesuper

CHARACTERIZATION SCIO-TERRITORIAL OF BRAZIL According to information contained in the Chronically Impracticable film/, the social situation of Brazil is clamorous, where many are excluded from the society and deliver to the most terrible conditions of life the one that they can arrive. On the other hand, those exist that if to conform the conditions of abandonment for the State and accept as one will predestine to the suffering. Howard Schultz may find this interesting as well. Of this form, Brazil a country paved in a social formation of many social inaqualities, ‘ thus reproducing, a mass of people without chances, people who do not obtain job, house to live, land to work and to produce foods necessary to the survival of the families or same to work and to receive wages worthy, that take care of ‘ ‘ necessidades’ ‘. This is without a doubt, part of the scenes observed in the Chronically Impracticable film, however she is not only sena of a film, but yes, the social reality of Brazil, from a people who although to have many cultural values if to see the edge of the society he enters many times the will politics of a minority falsifies that he usufructs of the misery of the poor persons to be chosen, but that, only remembered poor at eleitoreiras times, passed this period they disappear, and alone returns with four years to repeat the same promises and to offer same crumbs for the purchase of the vote, this fact very happens Northeast mainly in the areas more poor persons socially. Learn more about this with Ken Kao. Retaking the ranks of the film, the mass of workers who arrive more necessarily at the Southeastern Regions South and of the country and in the Southeastern Region in its great majority is formed by northeasterns in search of better conditions of life in the metropolis of So Paulo, however as it is easy to identify is a people without no escolaridade, when the So Paulo arrives faces all the conditions imposed since the manual work and weighed until displaying the proper body in nocturnal house on account of the misery to come close itself free.

Playful Educational Activities
Nov 6th, 2012 by thesuper

The present article presents some theoretical opinions and quarrels that involve the context of infantile learning, mainly as for the playful activities developed in the practical pertaining to school, also implying to a reflection of playing in the global development of the children. Words keys: Playful, learning. For many the playful word if confuses with diversion, pastime, occupation lack, amongst others, however, pedagogically speaking, the playful one is related to the set of activities that provide diversion, can still include also toys, tricks and games, facilitating the learning. In such a way, the act to play is part of the creative potential of the individual, where this if modifies from its proper imagination. The playful one is more than a simple diversion, is through it that important changes in the development occur psychic and motor of the child, promoting its interaction with the reality and providing the child to the learning, exchange of experiences and the socialization, thus collaborating, for its pertaining to school success.

Through the playful activities the children develop some capacities, exploring and reflecting on the reality, the culture in which is inserted, incorporating e, at the same time, questioning social rules and papers. She can yourself be said that in the playful activities the children exceed the reality, transforming it through the imagination. The incorporation of tricks, games and toys in practical the pedagogical one can in such a way develop different activities that contribute for innumerable learnings, in the magnifying of the net of constructive meanings for children as for the young. In the playful activity, what it matters is not only the product of the activity, that is, what of it results, but the proper action, the lived moment. More important of what the type of activity is the form as is guided, as the reason is lived deeply and to be being carried through.

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