The singer sounds a long, sharp whistle coming through the ears and at the same time feels an intense cold that freezes people. It is believed that when good sharp whistles is a woman who is going to die, but instead the whistle is thick, is a man or a friend dies. The Duende is a spirit of fun chasing women, especially pretty girls. This spirit will not be seen but the women he pursues and are presented in the form of a child who does all kinds of grimaces and throws small objects and offers you love. At that access, they bear fruit. The puck must be told all sorts of profanity and thereby be removed permanently.
Also if you touch will string music because it says that it remembers the heavenly music as elves belong to the angels who rebelled with Lucifer and were roaming the world without a body like elves, other with body like the monkeys. The Anima Sola is said to have belonged to a woman denied water to Jesus Christ when asked for the day I had to crucify him. God condemned to wander the world until doomsday. Nevertheless there are many prairie, especially women, who have great faith to help them in solving their difficulties. Other Beliefs or Agiieros The tiger knows when the person feels fear. As the prairie walk barefoot, the tiger put his paw on the footprint of the person, if the tiger will hand shaking is that the prairie is scared and he continues to hunt.