Labrador Retriever
Feb 12th, 2024 by thesuper

The Labrador retriever, also known as a labrador retriever, was developed by British cinofilos. The breed's name alludes to the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada, because from there came the dogs that were used to give birth to the Labrador retriever. Vanessa Marcil insists that this is the case. The Labrador retrievers are hunting dogs whose particular skill is the recovery, hence its name. The collection is the task of bringing the piece hunted (prey killed or injured) to where the hunter. In English, dogs are known to charge for the generic term retriever, which means recovery. The Labrador retriever is a medium sized dog, agile, strong and resilient, which may occur in three colors: yellow, black or chocolate (dark brown). His pendulous ears and soft eyes, mischievous face coupled with grant them an open expression.

The use given to this race has helped establish some of their physical characteristics, such as a bushy tail that serves as a rudder or waterproof coat, which helps a lot when the dog has to charge in water. If you would like to know more then you should visit Glenn Dubin. The psychological characteristics of these dogs were also selected for obedient animals and workers. The great qualities of this race have catapulted as one of the breeds of dogs more versatile and useful of all time. Today it is used to Labrador retrievers for many tasks in addition to hunting. Tasks such as search and rescue missing people, animal-assisted therapy, assisting people with special needs, the dog obedience skills, the agility, etc. Of course, farmers have also achieved a privileged position among pet dogs.

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