Telmex provides advanced telecommunications services throughout Mexico, in five South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru) and the United States, and has established itself as one of the telecommunications companies faster and greater growth worldwide. Telmex is the leading telecommunications company in Latin America, with operations in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru and the United States. He has made unprecedented investments by around 29 billion dollars during the period 1990-2005, to ensure the growth and modernization of its infrastructure, thus developing a 100 digital technological platform that operates a network of more advanced optical fiber worldwide and that includes connections via submarine cable with 39 countries. Telmex and its subsidiaries offer the broadest range of advanced telecommunications services, including voice, data and video, Internet access and integrated solutions for all segments of the telecommunications market, from public telephony, rural and residential, to customer care for small and medium enterprises, as well as large national and international corporate, thanks to the great technical ability and coverage offered by their access and transport networks, which have allowed a steady level of growth in products and services offered to the market. Since 1997, with the onset of competition in long distance services in our country and its expansion in South America, Telmex has competed successfully with leading corporate of global telecommunications. Telmex has the technological capability and strategic alliances which ensure our customers the technology, service, care and support they require to meet their telecommunications needs. Furthermore, the expansion of our operations allows us to promote synergies in technology services for voice, data and Internet services in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru and with our customers in Mexico and the United States. Carso Global Telecom owns most of the control actions of Telmex and America Telecom has the most control actions of America Movil, a leading provider of wireless services in Latin America. Grupo Carso Carso takes control Industrial (Condumex, Porcelanite, Nacobre and Cigatam, among others) and Carso Comercial (Sears, Sanborn, Promotora Musical, among the most important).Moreover, operating the Inbursa Financial Group, which consists of Inbursa Bank, Insurance Inbursa, Casa de Bolsa stock market investors, Leasing Inbursa, and Afore Inbursa, among other companies, and U.S. Commercial Corp., which is the holding of CompUSA shares. Group companies directly employing over 160 thousand people. Telmex’s financial strength and membership to Mexico’s main business group and its technological capacity to innovate products and services based on their extensive knowledge of the markets it serves, allowing Telmex to strengthen its international expansion with this investment for long term development of telecommunications infrastructure and services in each of the countries where it operates for the benefit of the productive sectors that compete in the new global environment of globalization. SOURCE: introTmx quieneSomos.html