Fixed arrival Racing Bieler, president of the whole garnet San Lorenzo contacted to ascertain their claims by Papu. In Boedo requested 2,500,000 for 50 percent, a figure too high. There would be another communication. Transfer market in a very complicated for all teams at the time of incorporation, because the numbers are handled and the claims of the players, Alejandro Gomez has become one of the most sought after. Racing quickly put their eyes on the young striker, who had a good tournament and opening up suffered a senseless fight with some fans, a situation which marked a break. Claudio Vivas’s request, but negotiations were delayed because they wanted to close the pass Bieler. In this situation, and without the possibility of having the former striker Liga de Quito, Lan s faced the other way and asked for Papu.However, the response did not leave San Lorenzo did not conform to the leaders garnets and even frightened. Nicholas Russo, president of the entity in the south of Greater Buenos Aires, Marcelo Tinelli contacted asking price by 50 per cent of the pass, and the driver (who commands the employer group has 40 ) drew a number that sounded too high: 2,500,000.Meanwhile, Gomez told TyCSports also tempts the chance to move to Lanus, a team that will play for third consecutive year the Copa Libertadores. Emme: soiipepii Face: Ailhin Ximena Cancino