However, over time has decreased the proportion of ODA in total resource flows. This assistance was considered as 0.7 of total gross domestic product in the 34th session of the General Assembly (1980). Despite this agreement, only four countries have achieved that goal. These countries are: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The rest of the developed countries has maintained its ODA by about 0.3 .
In real terms, and according to UN, Japan is the largest donor, followed by United States, France and Alemania.EEUU is the country that financially donate more money, but talking about a percentage, is the least (only 0.15 ). In 1999, 56.000 billion dollars of development aid constituted only 0.24 of GNP of the 21 major donor countries.
The official development assistance was the main source of funds for development. However, private investment and private loans taken by force and have considerably exceeded official flows. In 1998, for example, a net total of 240,000 million dollars which went to developing countries, 147.000 million were private, and only 88.000 million were official funds, including funds for the non-official development assistance.
During the 1990s the average annual official development assistance was 55.000 million dollars. The proportion of total development aid that the United Nations system has been around 8 .
To monitor financial flows are the World Bank and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), who pointed out the serious problems that remain unresolved.
Building Donor Loyalty: The Fundraiser’s Guide to Increasing Lifetime Value by Adrian Sargeant and Elaine Jay (Hardcover – Sep 13, 2004)