Site development – a process that requires careful preparation. First we need to develop a plan of action clear. Many Web Studio, create a website, consider that it is not necessary requirements specification and schedule, which is fundamental in the development of sites. I propose to act on such a plan, so as not to miss the most important and little things: – it is necessary to determine the direction in which you going to work – Your site must be highly specialized – go to create a unique style – a brand book (logo, corporate colors, that is what you use when building a website, and subsequently to promotional printing and documents); due attention to the logo to be memorable, but not annoying – now let's talk about your future performance of the design project: recommended for use in design no more than three primary colors; logo should be placed in the top right corner, which will contribute to the unconscious memorization, but if the logo is already known, then – this is the upper left corner, the best number is five menu buttons, and more have been difficult to memorize sections of the site, to the extent possible to abandon the bright backgrounds that distract the visitor from the textual information should not be provide on its web site a lot of places to advertise – excessive advertising will scare away visitors – so when the design is approved – go to his make-up – the next stage of website development programming is – a very important and responsible part of the process – when the site is filled with material and is designed graphically, it can begin to test for efficiency; Given these factors, the development site will be error-free. No matter how you look for contractors – website design Kiev or in any other city, important professional team that really can give you a huge amount of unrestricted opportunities.