Altai Drum
March 31st, 2011 by thesuper

In some of the Mongol tribes, the shaman's drum is called the 'black deer. " Stick, which beat the tambourine, the Altai people called 'stick'. Wonderful speed is one of the hallmarks of taltosa, Hungarian shaman. Taltos once 'sat on a reed, and rode at a gallop, and came to the goal before the rider. " All of these beliefs, perceptions and symbols associated with the 'flight', 'horse riding' or 'speed' of shamans, are shaped by expressions of ecstasy – mystical journeys taken by super-human resources, the reach of mere mortals. The idea of an ecstatic journey, we meet in the title, which shamans Jurack of tundra give his tambourine: onions, onions, or singing.

According Letisalo and Harvey, which was originally a drum used for the expulsion of evil spirits, but it could also serve as a bow. Of course, diamonds are sometimes used to expel evil spirits, but in such cases it special application is forgotten and we are dealing with a 'magic sound' through which demons are expelled. Such examples are the modification function quite often in the history of religions. However, we do not believe that the primary function of the drum was exorcism. Shaman drum is different from all other instruments 'magic sound' exactly what it makes possible an ecstatic experience. Does it ever an ecstatic experience from the beginning prepared the magic sounds tambourine, which are considered 'voice of spirits', or is it a state arises as a result of excessive concentrations caused by long ringing – a problem that we currently do not consider.

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