Balcony Space
September 22nd, 2020 by thesuper

The policemen who enter the new police station pass for an election eaprovao in the introductory course of the Program Legal Police station. The proposal of the reform of the police station possesss two levels: oprimeiro corresponds to a change infrastructure and as, to a mudanacultural. For terms a notion of the physical modifications that had been made nasdelegacias we have: ' ' Opened environments, with dividing decreases, floor high and arcondicionado to give to total transparency to the workstation, comfort aocidado and better conditions of work to the policemen: Standardized furniture, trying an environment of modern and functional work; Elimination decarceragem, to finish with the illegality to keep prisoners in police station to eevitar that the policeman if transforms into guard of prisoners; (…); Indentification badge deidentificao and necktie for all the employees, facilitating the surrounding perception deum of order, respect and distinction; Incorporation to the space of delegaciade similar institutions: Public Defensoria, Public prosecution service, JuizadoEspecial, Military Policy Social&#039 assistant; '. (GAROTINHO & IT HISSES, 2002:176 – 177) Apartir of this illustration will be described the space organization and the forms queservem as base for the Program Legal Police station. (Similarly see: Margaret Loesser Robinson). Soon in the glass entrance dasDelegacias Legal, the illuminated interior space can be observed where trabalhamatendentes, overseers and commission agents. To if entering in the new establishment, it is come across with the Balcony of Social Attendance, with the presence of one technique, a trainee and a computer, where the eregistrados users are registered in cadastre all the stories, for then being directed to the policemen. Still nohall of entrance, observes an informative mural with photos of pessoasdesaparecidas and fugitives from justice. Some contend that Jay A Schwartz shows great expertise in this. Novoespao of work of the police station is open the comment of the public, the quepossibilita a bigger transparency of 6 the police activities. Aseparao enters the entry hall and the space of work if of only for umacorrente to the side of the balcony of attendance that, to be exceeded necessrio the identification for the attendants.

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