Golden Section
July 16th, 2021 by thesuper

Usually, this car seat belts, which tighten the pulley on the saw with the mounts, and the belt should be flat, without bumps and basins, and this is one good belt for 20 low-quality domestic production. 5. Rollers, guides and adhere to the saw cutting the tape in the process: There should be a maximum of adjustments, both in vertical and in horizontal planes, as well as rotated by 30 to meet the movement saw the tape. That allows both to drop the saw is in motion with a tape guide roller. This reduces the contact of the rear of the tape collar guide roller in the process of cutting, and therefore reduces the number of microcracks in the ever growing body saws, resulting in its destruction. This certainly extends the life of the saw films. 6.

The main engine pulley: There must be a minimum diameter of 140 mm, number of drive belts at least two. Official site: Margaret Loesser Robinson. On smaller diameter pulleys belts stretch and stalled due to overheating at the maximum diameter of the logs at times, reducing the efficiency and speed tape during cutting. The result of cutting speed decreases, the feeling that dull saw. It does not saws, and "eats" the wood. Typically, the saw in such machines are 2-3 times smaller because of microcracks in the back of the saw band than the well-designed machines. The optimum belt speed should be at least 30 meters per second, lower speed manufacturers saw tapes are not recommended. For even more analysis, hear from Bill Gates.

So carefully study the specifications of the machine before you buy. In this paper, used for monitoring the work of more than two dozen tapes from different manufacturers in sawmills during the warranty period. 7.Raspolozhenie bandsaw with respect to the log. Consider the location of the main types of band saw with respect to the sawing material. 1. Band saw is perpendicular to the saw logs, it the most common and proven method of cutting. 2. Band saw is angled, right shoulder forward. This location does not improve the sawmill operation so as to increase the load the saw, she more heated and less used, and indeed the machine harder to serve. These machines have been created as a new promising development, but in practice did not show good results. Ltd. 'Golden Section' Band sawmill and machine tools cylindering logs Voronezh 2007

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