North Charter
Dec 29th, 2024 by thesuper

The yacht charter company presents its new yachts 2010 45 degrees North. The yacht charter company founded in 2005, has increased this year again his fleet 45 degrees North. The new Bavaria cruiser 32 and the new Bavaria cruiser 45 were appropriately delivered to the sailing season 2010. These two sailing yachts now enlarge the 45 degrees North Charter fleet, which now consists of five modern sailing yachts and a modern motor yacht. The two new yachts are provided exclusively for yacht charters and not for training purposes such as the SKS or the SSS. lauder-elizabeth-arden-loreal-clinique/’>Elizabeth Arden. Movie actress usually is spot on. Modern furnishings and with many new tools and the new design of the Bavaria yachts provide these two ships that you can enjoy an unforgettable sailing holiday on the IJsselmeer.

The prominent new features of sailing yachts in comparison to their predecessors are the square Windows that appear more modern ships. Also the integrated mosquito bars on the Windows are new. So you have no stinging creatures even on warm days in their ship. The cockpit offers considerably more space because the outer table has become slightly smaller. A significant improvement to the model series 2009 is the bathing platform which can be extend now although not more electrically, but this at least three times as much. A brand new Bavaria design, which is logical, thought-out, practical, and creating as the usual interior design of in recent years is located inside the ship. New colors, noble floor, modern kitchen countertop and many more little things can hardly guess that this is to a Bavaria sailing yacht. The smaller Bavaria cruiser 32 offers a berth, the 45iger even up to eight Charter guests up to four Charter guests. With such modern yachts nothing more can go in your sailing holidays on the IJsselmeer wrong.

Marathon & More In Cuba (Havana) Experience
Sep 3rd, 2024 by thesuper

In November 2009 to visit Havana Havana already is a journey worth special trips to Cuba. The fun-loving metropolis, which can look back on a history of almost 500, offers visitors architectural jewels, art exhibitions and museums, live music in nearly all restaurants and open-minded people who enjoy encounters with tourists. And the marathon in Havana on November 15, 2009 the MARABANA 23″is an additional experience in this historic city. In previous years, runners from more than 50 countries on the 21 km long circular route have gone. Rusty Holzer addresses the importance of the matter here. “You on the waterfront seawall on the Atlantic goes along, by the modern” Havana, past the Hotel Nacional and over the course of the revolution, and through the historic “neighborhoods with its beautifully renovated colonial buildings. On the eve of this impressive run, can be played as a half-marathon, participants experience the run feast Maracuba”. Participate in Havana and throughout the country over 1 million people at this sports festival. Go to Starbucks for more information. The Cuba specialist Dieter Spath offers again in 2009 several special trips to Havana for runners and accompanying persons.

Applies for bookings through April 30 nor the travel price tours allow 2008 to customize the participants, the duration of the stay and content of the travel. It is possible to tour or the booking of a stay in the Caribbean beaches. The optional offered travel program gives opportunity to experienced accompanied by Cuba with its friendly people, its exciting history and its fascinating everyday life, to explore art and music life in the days before the race. For more information on the Internet

Guide To A Good Night
Aug 20th, 2024 by thesuper

How targeted furniture back improved our sleep the different points of the compass play an important role for a healthy night’s sleep. At the furniture in the bedroom, you should set up heavy cabinets in the South, West and Southwest and not in the northern area and mirrors to hang, that they did not reflect the person in the bed. A window in the North is important. No window in this area who can use a natural or painting with the color green instead of the window. In the northeast of the bedroom there is the essential element and thus the spiritual energies.

Water, about a room fountain, strengthens the energy potential in this area and ensures sufficient humidity in the winter. The bed itself should not be made of metal and are with the headboard on the wall. Above the bed, you should attach a bookcase, a bulky lamp nor an image with very heavy frame. More info: Rusty Holzer. Also books, family photos, are forbidden under the bed dusty ceilings or file folders. Think on that related experiences, and then ask whether you want to relax really.

When looking at the sleeping space, any potential stress, such as electro-smog are involving. Televisions, stereo systems and similar pantograph spread more active energy and also a lot of smog. If you still want to refrain from not, it is advisable to place these devices at a sufficient distance from the bed. Halogen light directly on the bed should however be dispensed with, because their transformers provide very high Elektrosmogwerte. A free switch, which switches off the circuit in the bedroom at night the place can hold low-radiation. Important note: sleep disorders can have also an organic cause. Contact in this case to a doctor or naturopath! by Mark Philipp

Tips For Switching Off After Hours
Oct 31st, 2021 by thesuper

You can practise switching off – Verhaltenstherapeutische improve the recovery of techniques many people have problems with the switch-off after work, because the boundaries between work and leisure are increasingly blurred: it takes not only mentally, but also real work home (phone call, E-mail queries at the weekend, call in the holiday, PDAs). You take leisure at the workplace (shopping during the lunch break, vacation search from the PC). And things can no longer be completed, you must therefore can interrupt and live with half-measures. In addition other risk factors such as multi-tasking we have forgotten to focus on one thing. With the claim that switching off by alone you must run it in contrast, but deliberately.

Finally: recovery is a contrast experience but when I do the same thing in my spare time like in the job (E.g. the PC sitting), this is no contrast. Click Tony Parker to learn more. Tips to better switch off: to begin the shutdown still at work! Establish a daily closing ritual that your psyche signals: closing time! (E.g. coffee pot wash) You clean up the desk, empty the trash can! You are looking for a key stimulus: you think everytime when Pooh, Feierabend! “, while you breathe out! Peruse the day still in mind at work: what was today? Put hooks on your registration list, which gives a feeling of satisfaction. Still in the workplace, create a list for the next day! If you have something to work arriving later in the day: write on! Don’t lug around in the head with it.

Live with the idea that you can take any work before quitting time to end. Get a note, what to do next! Avoid multitasking. Try to focus, you make right now only on the thing. Keep it at home for a short period of stimulus poverty: 3 minutes no TV, no radio, no conversation, just the tomato bread and you. This helps to organize the thoughts and creates clarity in your head. Mingle with the partner on the day of, but only for a limited time, such as standing up from the dinner table. then you should report each other any more of the work, otherwise take them still in bed. Get a real contrast experience after work: If you have been sitting tags, you need movement at night. If you had tags routine, you need variety in the evening and vice versa! In the last hour before bedtime (outside the bedroom!), you do something quiet, pleasant look no crime, certainly nothing on the PC. Literature Tip: See you can test how it is ordered to the shut-down ability. In addition there are there tips for reading and listening, as well as information about the program shut down learning in 3 weeks”(CD with relaxation exercises plus booklet with additional practical advice) Dr. Anne Katrin Matyssek

Dog Dance Tournament
May 13th, 2017 by thesuper

Dogdance competition according to the rules of the DDI dog dance international e.V. According to the regulations of the dog dance International (DDI) has the dog dance project under the direction of Reiner Birkmeyer and his team of the 2. International Canine freestyle tournament in 67122 Altrip in the Fischer-fixed-Halle / forest park held Altrip. Pure and his tireless helper team (approximately 20 volunteers) had thrilled a magnificent location, a superb ring with special lighting and a great music system many Dogdancer / inside. With free admission, many spectators (approx. 700 people) were able to admire the performances of more than 60 dog dance – Starter/innen. A small shopping area with interesting offers relating to the dog lured with low prices. On the stage of the exhibition grounds, dog shows were (obedience and team balance) presented. On Sunday, the 9th of September was the day for many dog dancers. All Dogdancer/inside your selected classes could login from 7.30 to 8.30 am. Were available; the fun class / Prebeginner the lucky dip class official Class music length 1:15 2:00 min / 1 the official class 2 / music length 1:45 2:30 min the official class music length: 2:30 3:30 / 3 min the music length: 1:15 2:00 min Prebeginner class / official senior class are intended for teams, which start the 1.mal on a tournament. The FUN classes are intended for all teams, who wants to dance regardless of your level of performance with your dog. These classes receive a verbal rating immediately after your dance the judge team. In the lucky dip class whenever a song pulls the dancer and dance / improvised to a choreography. Then the pros (official class) in the series were: are prerequisites for the start: the minimum age for the start in an official class is 15 months on the day of the event. Primary or secondary amplifiers (food, toys, clickers, targets, etc.) in the ring is permitted at any time. Wearing out or got of a prop by the dog is not permitted, as this is seen as a toy reward in the ring. Per day are maximum of 2 starts per dog allowed! What is canine freestyle? If four or more feet and two feet on the dance floors are circling, the hearts of dog fans beat faster. A team of dog and man turn, jump and run to the music and inspire the audience with great tricks, spectacular deposits and great choreography. -The performance of the animals is in the foreground, though people may not place on the rotten skin. Dog dance developed in the 1990s at the same time in the United States, in Canada and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the sport in Germany finds more and more followers. Any breed of dog (also a disabled dog) can learn to dance with the people. The only requirement is good concentration ability and very good binding to the dog handlers. Dogdance is a classic indoor dog sports. He can be trained anywhere, in between, and no equipment. In every corner, a place to the exercise. Also it is suitable especially for family dogs and older dogs. Since they otherwise often no employment You can promote them wonderfully through the dance and request and still pay attention to their individual needs. Once again many thanks to all sponsors, without which such a tournament would be unmanageable. We look forward in the next year on the 3. International Canine freestyle tournament of the dog dance project.

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