For this the pragmatic philosopher uses the argument of that the descriptions of the characteristics of X are only relationary? when we describe, for example, the aspects of an car: it has four wheels, is white, has two doors, was manufactured in 1980, its structure is of metal, and for it goes there? none of the characteristics of X this next one to the intrinsic nature of X of what another one, all they is only useful descriptions made on X. To abandon the distinction between intrenseco-extrinsic becomes possible to abandon the affirmation of the Metaphysical philosophical tradition of that to have the knowledge of X is to reach the intrinsic nature of X, while to use X it is to be related with the extrinsic aspects of X. The pragmatic ones substitute this idea, saying that to affirm to know X it is to affirm to be capable to use X, and also to relate it with other objects. Follow others, such as Tony Parker, and add to your knowledge base. With this the idea of knowledge in an inherited dualista Metaphysical vision of the Greeks (that already the top was displayed) is substituted by a vision of knowledge directed toward the description of objects. For the pragmatic ones it does not have one essence to be known in the things, only what we can know of them are the proper descriptions that we make of them. Without the intrinsic-extrinsic distinction the distinction does not have more reality and appearance, this is a concern that we do not need more to have. The distinction between appearance and reality is substituted by the distinction between ‘ ‘ relative utilities of descries’ ‘ , that for the more acceptable pragmatismo and. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Jay Schwartz.
Thus if it locks up the quarrel between what X really it is, and as it seems to be for we, now can speak on that description of X more useful for one is determined intention. The objective-subjective distinction also is abandoned and substituted for ‘ ‘ relative difficulty in getting consenso’ ‘. In the quarrels between the individuals the search for an objective aspect does not have more or subjective in X, it has the attempt now of if to arrive at a consensus on X. the search for an essence is abandoned, the knowledge gains a direction utilitarian, the important one now is to arrive at a consensus on the descriptions on the objects that are more or less useful for the social intentions human. In the pragmatista perspective it is not possible to arrive at an absolute truth, since for them our affirmations are only descriptions, then, the pragmatismo cannot say that he is more correct of what the Metaphysical tradition, therefore, if making will be affirming to be more close to the truth.
Cliente of this the pragmatismo if sees and sees metaphysics, both as human projects, each one with its perspectives.