Winnie the Pooh and the Holidays
Nov 13th, 2012 by thesuper

Where should you start? I hope you realize that our hero – Winnie the Pooh. Why would it? Yes to what we in relation to any holiday pay much attention to the issue of selection, gift and quite a bit – congratulations. But to bring the person joy so simple: send an electronic postcard with a funny greeting with a newborn or sms birthday greetings in verse. Make greeting if to reflect, is relatively difficult, as the original then be difficult: for example, every year you come up with a birthday brother or sister, as already here does not happen again! Congratulations on the anniversary of the leaves is much more hope of success, because such events do not occur annually, and therefore do not need to be wary of repeats. That though is sensitive to the new notes in the standard 'I wish happiness in his personal life', someone writes poetry greetings. In that case, congratulations, in any case will be remembered long. Even if the rhymes are far from ideal, your creativity and effort, for sure, have much influence success.

The flow of the holiday season facing significant spending, but with a good card funny greeting happy new year did not require considerable money, but adds 'weight' the most inexpensive gifts. And congratulations to the old New Year and absolutely can not do without an additional gift. Congratulations St. valentine's main way therefore necessary to have a valentine – a heart-shaped cards, and, of course, touching heartfelt text in it, there will suit greeting in verse – who, if not love, they write? Congratulations Defender of the Fatherland colleagues can be fun, so little to dispel the routine of office life. A sms greetings from March 8 to be imbued with the spirit of heroism – at least once a year, every woman wants to stay the Beautiful Lady. The secret of creating memorable greetings obvious – Be honest, then the right words they will come to you in the head.

Nov 13th, 2012 by thesuper

With the objective to acquire the knowledge on porferos and Platyhelminthes, it was used playful methods in classroom: interactive games and the video exhibition. One also used exercises in quiz form, in order to explore the subjects. In the presentation a vision general of the subject and will speak of the ecological, characteristic will be displayed, filognia importance, curiosidades and associations with criptogmicos vegetables. The didactic procedures will be divided at different moments. The first step constitur of the communication of the content, by means of a presentation of slides and a video; as the step will occur with the interactive games (playful part); the third step was to the reading of the cladograma. Porfera: ‘ ‘ Animal sedentary filtradores and, that if they use of an only layer of afflicted cells to pump water through its corpo’ ‘ (BERGQUIST, 1980). Platyhelminthes: They are known generically as ‘ ‘ vermes’ ‘ flattened and they consist of three classrooms: Turbelrios, trematdeos and cestdeos. Word-key: dynamic knowledge, interatividade, porferos and Platyhelminthes.

Playful Educational Activities
Nov 6th, 2012 by thesuper

The present article presents some theoretical opinions and quarrels that involve the context of infantile learning, mainly as for the playful activities developed in the practical pertaining to school, also implying to a reflection of playing in the global development of the children. Words keys: Playful, learning. For many the playful word if confuses with diversion, pastime, occupation lack, amongst others, however, pedagogically speaking, the playful one is related to the set of activities that provide diversion, can still include also toys, tricks and games, facilitating the learning. In such a way, the act to play is part of the creative potential of the individual, where this if modifies from its proper imagination. The playful one is more than a simple diversion, is through it that important changes in the development occur psychic and motor of the child, promoting its interaction with the reality and providing the child to the learning, exchange of experiences and the socialization, thus collaborating, for its pertaining to school success.

Through the playful activities the children develop some capacities, exploring and reflecting on the reality, the culture in which is inserted, incorporating e, at the same time, questioning social rules and papers. She can yourself be said that in the playful activities the children exceed the reality, transforming it through the imagination. The incorporation of tricks, games and toys in practical the pedagogical one can in such a way develop different activities that contribute for innumerable learnings, in the magnifying of the net of constructive meanings for children as for the young. In the playful activity, what it matters is not only the product of the activity, that is, what of it results, but the proper action, the lived moment. More important of what the type of activity is the form as is guided, as the reason is lived deeply and to be being carried through.

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