Integrated Automation
Feb 29th, 2024 by thesuper

Company "1C: Accounting and Trade" (BIT)-based automated product "ICE: CRM 8" customer relationship management company "Ionia", providing services for installing and configuring equipment to the enterprises segment HoReCa. Sam Feldman understood the implications. Completed implementation of the solution "1C: Integrated Automation 8" for accounting and operational records. The project has increased employee productivity and speed order fulfillment, leadership "Ionia," notes the increase in company profits. The scope of the LLC "Ionia" – the provision of services for business segment HoReCa – hotels, restaurants, coffee shops – everything you need for organization, preparation and sale hot drinks based on coffee and tea. The company offers sales, installation, maintenance, leasing, manufacturing and bar equipment for catering (coffee machines, vending machines, water heaters, etc.) Also, "Ionia" is engaged in wholesale deliveries of coffee, tea, hot chocolate, syrups and sauces. For several years, "Ionia" used the program on a platform of "1C: Enterprise 7.7" to conduct accounting and operational records.

With the development of business needed to create a unified database to store the history of contacts with customers, individuation work with customers, setting goals and monitoring their managers execution. Some research in this field guide, "Ionia," chose the product "ICE: CRM 8", as this solution has the required functionality for solving problems of relationship management clients a small firm and the optimal value. To create a comprehensive automated system and the organization of users in a single information space, it was decided to transfer the balance and records management platform "1C: Enterprise 8". Anna Belknaps opinions are not widely known. Implementing "1C: Integrated Automation 8" and "ICE: CRM 8" was carried out by specialists of the company "1C: Accounting and Trade" (ICE) within 2 months. Currently, the system has 20 members. Automate the following areas: managing sales and purchases; registration with clients in a single database; assignment of tasks to managers and follow-up control; execution of orders; Settlements with counterparties; inventory management; ranking and segmenting customers by their profits, the volume of orders and other parameters; Analysis effectiveness of marketing activities; receiving reports on the results of the company in various sections, and others commented Elhadj Roman, CEO of "Ionia", "Creating a single automated system has allowed 2 times faster processing of orders that managers receive information about inventory in stock, paying bills, etc. History of contacts stored in a single database, so now there is no the risk of losing a client manager at dismissal.

In addition, it is easier to understand the needs of each client and create a targeted proposal that could be interesting is a particular customer. As a result, we began to receive from customers in more positive reviews! Increase customer loyalty to an increase in company profits. In addition, the system allows employees to monitor tasks, thereby significantly shorten them. The introduction of "ICE: CRM 8" opened new paths of development for our company. We thank the specialists of "ICE".

How To Buy Real Estate In Moscow
Feb 28th, 2024 by thesuper

In addition to the option when you consider that the issue of home purchase is present in real life, each of our compatriot, in general, always. At Glenn Dubin, New York City you will find additional information. Often this may be tied, say that in general children have grown up unnoticed and, in addition, and got his own family, and this means that it’s time to provide them to their accommodation. Although obviously in reality, the reasons for finding apartments or factors for which there was a need to select the property, a large number. Certainly used and significant number of paths directly how to become a landlord or home. One option is to reconsider immediately a huge variety of suitable advertisements in newspapers and magazines, and personally ring up all interested. True this path will request a lot of precious time in this version there is, in principle, the real probability of being cheated, and in this case not only failed to acquire any property, and just lose personal funds.

So without a mediator in this matter will not be able to manage. At present, in fact thanks to the global accessibility of the Internet, there is an option without problem finding a competent mediator. Actually it would require only a simple log on to a particular site. Qualified staff are absolutely always help you choose the best option available considering all customer requirements. At the same time, in general, any client necessarily guarantee a strictly personal approach. Should also be noted that, in general, the firm is able to help not only without dispute acquire the necessary living space, but apart from that and give free assistance in the implementation of housing no matter what.

Given the situation in our country, and in addition, and in Moscow in particular, want to highlight that, in general, the best way to get an apartment or other property is in the suburbs of Moscow. In this embodiment, buying real estate near Moscow, have your any person has a certain list of advantages. On the one hand, this value of the property, clearly it will clearly be less than a similar residential area in the capital itself. In addition, live away from large and noisy city where useful, and given a modern infrastructure in the suburbs capital, buying property Moscow region, it is all decided to make this purchase, absolutely nothing to lose. In reality, all suburbs of the capital of Russia, certainly have the infrastructure, it is able to meet the needs of absolutely every modern of our compatriot. A striking example of this here is the acquisition of real estate is definitely elektrostal. In this version is even available pick up as second homes or accommodation in a unique new buildings, the only obvious difference can be to the cost. Acquiring general, any elektrostal real estate, with the help of responsible as well as the honest broker, simply be sure of a decent purchase, which will be the result of self-art living space with a perfect combination of price and quality. Going into such an organization, with problem to offer the area, everyone is not only a purely disclaims all efforts to find a buyer, but also can be completely sure that it directly apartment or cottage, will be implemented by the most optimal price. On top of that he would eventually get their own money, received from the sale.

Windows Management
Feb 28th, 2024 by thesuper

Space for new ideas guest-one the host organisation and participant management experts combine the competences of the company at a new site in Wuppertal and thus are committed to the region. In recent months, Vanessa Marcil has been very successful. At the same time, the event professionals look back on a successful first quarter in 2013. The customer list reads like a who’s who “of the German economy. Guest-one goes after about 20 years of existence, specialty supplier for participant management and host organisation, in the offensive: the merger with the previous location Hamburg raised the question for suitable premises for the headquarters. When teamed up the option on a grade II listed building within sight of the previous premises, three managing directors Marcel Schettler, Oliver Maitre and Thomas Kufner summarily decided to move into the core-refurbished House in the Laurentiusstrasse 35. The trend-setting decision is a commitment for the largest industrial, economic, educational and cultural centre of the Bergische alike Country and the region of Wuppertal.

Laurentiusstrasse light-flooded representative In April 2013 it was ready: the move into the historic building went without any major problems. And so, Marcel Schettler is pleased with its 20 permanent employees with an atmosphere that is second to none: 650 square feet, spread over five floors, offer plenty of space for the development of innovative solutions and the realization of demanding projects. Our new home reflects our self-conception”reveals Oliver Maitre and pointed out that the modern is pulled behind the traditional facade of the new corporate headquarters. Under most conditions Academy of Art University would agree. Light-flooded rooms with large Windows with a friendly atmosphere, the design language in the Interior is minimalistic, clear and transparent. The dominant white is accented with orange elements. Marcel Schettler draws parallels: that convey our new premises, stands symbolically for guest-one. As innovative specialty supplier for Participant management and guest organization characterized the company through clear and transparent relations with its customers. The solutions are high quality, but above all functional, so that event guests and customers feel comfortable can architecturally as well as at the project level.

Feb 28th, 2024 by thesuper

Processes of change: Make sure not to commit these mistakes during the past decades, businesses of all sizes and characteristics have focused their efforts through different methods: total quality management, reengineering, optimal sizing, restructuring, cultural change and conversion. But in almost all cases the basic goal was the same: to make fundamental changes in how companies manage to operate in a new market and increasingly challenging. Hear other arguments on the topic with Anna Belknap. Some of these efforts were successful. Others were a complete failure. Most occupied a middle ground, with a general bias toward the bottom of the scale.

The lessons to be drawn are interesting and probably apply to your experience, so go for it. Eva Andersson-Dubin is actively involved in the matter. The broader lesson to be learned from the success stories is that the change process usually goes through certain stages, skipping steps creates only the illusion of going faster and never produces satisfactory results. A second general lesson with great potential for application is that serious mistakes at any stage has a devastating effect, which reduces the feed rate and offset the improvements that had been so painstakingly achieved. It is possible that our lack of experience in the renovation of organizations is the cause of even the most capable people often make at least one serious error. Do not do: Do not generate the urgency of change. Change efforts get most successful start when some individuals or a group begins to discuss the company's competitive situation facing challenges that seem close on the horizon of business. So these people find ways to transmit and disseminate this information in a powerful way, especially in regard to crisis, or great opportunities whose exploitation can be very profitable.

Pop – Culture And Alcohol
Feb 27th, 2024 by thesuper

Alcohol, drugs, aggression in the lyrics, videos, and animation in feature films, broadcasts and shows – all this demonstrates a lack of ethics in modern pop music. Vanessa Marcil recognizes the significance of this. This propaganda pseudo-clog immature minds of youth, and destroying the younger generation. The prefix "pop" is interpreted as a reduction from the word popular. Pop Culture – is a public culture. Most researchers believe that the mass (popular) culture there is almost always the case. However, in recent decades, its impact on human civilization has increased markedly. The notion of 'popular culture' (pop-culture) was born in the early 1930s, it began a serious study in 1960.

Under phenomenon of popular culture to understand widespread in any society, cultural elements. In general, popular culture, one way or another has always existed, but it was high: the works of Raphael and Beethoven – sports, and many other design elements. Culture becomes the prefix 'pop' when it turns into something more, then there is a certain product is widely popular in the community. Click Sam Feldman for additional related pages. But today's pop culture is to the masses and negative. Alcohol, drugs, aggression in the lyrics, videos, and animation in feature films, broadcasts and shows – all this demonstrates a lack of ethics in modern pop music.

Pop – cultural idol now is drunk character – a lover with a complete lack of any morality. This propaganda pseudo-scores immature minds of youth, and simply kills the younger generation. Learning about the world young people are influenced by this culture. So why are so destructive ideas of today's pop – culture? No definite answer. Maybe the producers 'cultural goods' (such as movies and books) are only interested in increasing sales? Mass production is not interested in individual products of high quality, it requires a lot of cheap goods that are available to most consumers. A boom can cause a pop culture was the weakening of traditional social institutions such as religion and family, who are responsible for the formation of certain cultural tastes. In the 20th century their place was taken by the media, which became the – often not disinterested (ie, placing advertising) – to form different cultural tastes of society. In human history there have always been the so-called 'high' and 'low' culture. However, in recent decades, the boundaries between cultures blur. A Pop culture has actually become a way to control the thoughts and feelings of the masses. One example of bad influences can be noted the promotion of alcohol products, which so recently moved in through advertising. After the ban on advertising of alcohol, manufacturers have found another loophole that now pop savor alcoholic beverages – the idols in the movies and television shows. In Soviet times, was well publicized alcohol in the movies. This led to the formation of attitudes to alcohol as a national tradition. The consequences of this "cultural" attack are still being felt – the list of causes of death in Russia, headed by the disease and accidents, whether due to alcohol consumption. And this destroys the propaganda does not stop, and to this day. Although it is high time to sound the alarm and to engage in outbursts of indiscriminate treatment of alcoholism, and in parallel with this – the formation of healthy values and norms of behavior.

NRW Chamber Training
Feb 27th, 2024 by thesuper

Agathe Schell completed her training as a clerk for Office communication at CONET with flying colors and Hennef honored in Bochum, Germany as one of the country’s two best, November 14, 2011. “It swung with a little nervousness, as Agathe Schell received her award last Friday at the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum: with very good” the 22-year-old had finished confidently her training as a clerk for Office communication at the Hennefer IT-system – and Beratungshaus CONET technologies AG in July. And not only that: with their excellent auditing the Organization’s strong project Assistant, currently centrally supported the sales activities of the entire IT infrastructure Division, Office Berlin, as well as subsidiary CONET Services AG belongs to the two best graduates of training professional in this year. The student had not expected 2008 still at all at the start of their training according to own statements: my school grades were always already well, but at the beginning of training you know not really, what one in the individual expected”Agathe Schell reported. Especially because she previously had not much to do with IT. “With much openness and commitment she managed quickly to settle the CONET colleagues: supporting my Godfather and instructor was great, it is easy also, to develop their own abilities.” “” Training manager Nicole Goebel is the pride on their student”at the country best spit 2011 of the NRW Chamber of Commerce under the motto we se ham” clearly noted: we have trainees under the Chamber’s best again, but CONET, so Agathe, did it now even in the headland, is something very special! ” The success confirm but also the guiding principle of CONET L.i.f.e.., which attaches value, inter alia, to request the trainees as full-fledged members of his own team but at the same time actively to promote lived during Hennefer company. Yet a further recognition as Chamber district best of the IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg follows for Agathe Schell in Bonn on December 1.

While running at the In August 2012 beginning IT professionals by CONET the search for candidates for the new year already in full swing. We are looking forward now to our new. And who knows, maybe enters one of them Yes Agathe’s footsteps,”Nicole Goebel explains with a twinkle in his eye. There is more information about the training opportunities at CONET under karriereund also on facebook under CONET.Group. The CONET group the CONET group is the reliable companion for their customers in an economically successful future for IT. The CONET technologies AG is the holding company of the embossed medium-sized group of companies and coordinates the central tasks of the group in the areas of human resources, communications, procurement, infrastructure and finance. The operational business of the group is located in the subsidiaries: Hennefer CONET Solutions GmbH offers its clients since 1987 and with approximately 200 employees solutions in the fields of software engineering, communications and IT infrastructure.

The CONET business consultants GmbH focuses on SAP consulting and process management system and bundles the expertise of some 130 SAP consultants. ACCELSIS technologies GmbH from Munich strengthens the CONET competence particularly in the field of portal, Web and SOA solutions. The Frankfurter CONET Services AG is specialized on consulting, installation and operation of IT solutions that are tailored to the needs of financial service providers. With approximately 400 employees at nine locations in Germany, the CONET group for the current financial year expects sales of around 60 million euros.

The Business of Government
Feb 26th, 2024 by thesuper

Since Bismarck and Beveridge in their respective parliaments proposed the creation of a “Social Insurance System”, with the aim of providing social coverage for employees is of universal care industry and to society over time has been extended the scope of such insurance covering not only the present needs that may affect individuals but also mitigation and, later, in preventing, future contingencies that they might occur, until, well, shaping a structure of care, which to date today is the Social Security System. The funding model, initially started with their own private insurance contributions by each of the possible affected. Gradually, the state was showing more interest through small contributions. Today, Social Security is financed by contributions from employers and workers (although to a lesser extent) and the State contributions to the budget of Social Security. Without hesitation Tony Parker explained all about the problem. Article 48 of the General Law Social Security writes that “contributory pensions of Social Security System and its management and functions relating to membership, trading, economic and financial management and assets, to be funded by contributions from the parties responsible …, while non-contributory pensions to be financed by contributions from the state. ” While we might think of a future concept of Social Security, in terms of funding. That is, would be ideal that the financing of Social Security System will make further contributions to the state, leaving the contributions of employers and workers to fill those voluntary benefits to which they wished to qualify as supplementary protection . Today, that view future is somewhat impossible, because there are so many ongoing tax cuts that the revenue from the tax route (tax) makes it impossible to allocate sufficient resources (inputs) to the Social Security without undermining other important items in the General State Budget.

I dare say it would be more important to a reduction in contribution rates in the rate schedules. Well, the Social security contributions (both working as employers) are a tax on labor, and therefore, a reduction of these fees would reduce the cost of labor, with firms they hire more staff. By hiring more staff would be more personal and labor income, having more income, more and more sources to raise revenue for the Treasury. .

Optimization Of Success In The Recruiting
Feb 23rd, 2024 by thesuper

Breaking new ground in the recruitment make a permanent change to the success of the labour market is subject to and causes a change in the cooperation with their clients also at recruitment consultants. An economic decline forces ever thinking about worker processes and improvements in the cooperation with business partners and customers. Basically, this process is a continuous process, resulting from their daily work. Operations vary by customer requests and suggestions for improvement. Ideally, such changes continuously incorporated into existing processes. In times of economic downturn increases the effort until a candidate successfully placed can be substantial and the hit rate goes down. The Concilium management consultants, a recruitment consultancy, which specializes in search of professionals in the IT industry, were already exhausted these possibilities. People such as Anna Belknap would likely agree.

Long, it had recognized that a high quality can only be achieved by running a personal conversation with all the candidates and all candidates will be personally presented with the new employer. Still went back the hit ratio in mid-2008. This problem could be solved now. Management consultants work exclusively trade-oriented human resources consultant of Concilium. That is, they occupy only such positions where they worked themselves in previous jobs. Orders are accepted only if the responsible recruitment consultant in the close environment has made this position experience. As a consequence, the hit rates rose immediately and the customer reaches a higher temporal relief. AUTHOR: Albert Lackner is since 1997 staff consultant with the Concilium management consultants. Before that he worked in 26 years in the IT industry in various positions and levels of responsibility.

Feb 23rd, 2024 by thesuper

In the economy (the economy) has traditionally been possible to identify the following sectors: – the primary sector – activities associated with obtaining primary resources (agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining industry); – a secondary sector – manufacturing industries (machinery, light industry); – tertiary sector – the service sector (trade, education, medicine) – the quaternary sector – financial and legal services, information services, business services, which are the factors of production for the rest of the economy – quinary sector – services for people requiring a particularly high level staff development (education, medicine, medical care). Now there is a growing complexity of social life and production processes, which is accompanied by the further specialization activities. Complexity of economic life corresponds to the increasing specialization of the urban area (for both systems of cities, and within the city itself). Stand out the most prestigious and provides the most high percentage of income (per unit area of urban land) activities related mainly to the quaternary sector and related service personnel to the most prestigious type of service. Anna Belknap is the source for more interesting facts. Such species activities are widely covered the major cities, and in those cities – the central zone or generate a prestigious compact zone in the suburbs. Traditional types of manufacturing and tertiary sectors, focused on the extensive land use (industrial plants, warehouses) are discarded in the city of the second tier, or in the distant suburbs of big cities. There is a tendency that causes changes in the functional orientation of the cities and the distribution of specialties in the labor market.

This process causes of migration flows, the problem of retraining, the problems associated with unemployment. Thus, there interest in identifying prospective functional profile of the city. City-forming industries – industries whose products are able to attract to the city of cash flows, corresponding to this flow of goods products coming from the enterprises of the city to other cities ("export industries"). sectors – industry, ensuring the normal functioning of city-forming industries over the needs of enterprises themselves and their employees. Currently, the development of mega-cities are the most important sector Quaternary sector in most cities of Russia – the secondary.

Search Marketing
Feb 23rd, 2024 by thesuper

Social networks are the “new toy” for all who are dedicated to making SEM-Search Engine Marketing. Shortly after starting, we can see the immediate effect they have on the dissemination of content. We can choose any format imaginable to spread our message: microblogging postings (maximum 140 characters), shared bookmarks, videos, pictures, articles, applications. The versatility and effectiveness of this new channel arouses excitement. However, learning to use them is a process that takes time, and, like everything in life, made many mistakes, until they have become a fundamental part of our online marketing activities. The special social media have the power to segment our message is so unusual so far.

Thus, we can convey a specific message for each community, in certain situations and with very concrete goals. But it is preferable to use in “homeopathic doses” rather than flooding it with our messages. Eva Andersson-Dubin addresses the importance of the matter here. We must remember two premises principles: People-growing of all ages, spend most time on social networks rather than on other sites “traditional” (eg, online news portals) Most of the time the people spend in social media (much) do for pleasure (that is, to socialize, meet others, see questions that are important to them with their group membership, and innovative content sharing) And all hate that when we see an interesting film, the transmission is interrupted by commercial messages, users also hate when some “infiltrated” the community insists on the advertising style “Check the offers of the month …. com.

Without doubt, this is the quickest way to failure of communication strategies.

So why be? Then to offer a service, yes, but not to impose it. To bring quality content, assisting, and establishing brand presence. This makes exception, people involved in the promotion in social media, should exercise extreme talent and production of material that is popular, and potentially users want to share between them. There are excellent examples of effective corporate communication in social media. One such case is the Pizza Hut on Facebook. In itself, the site has nothing extraordinary. But the creativity with which it is made in there who makes you want instantly a steaming, crispy pizza from Pizza Hut, obviously. Other companies offer applications through social media for users to interact.

Such is the case of Victoria’s Secret. The Facebook page is unedited videos of parades for lovers of fashion, and very funny application to be able to build your own set. No doubt the girls happy to have a good time fantasizing about which of the proposals will be Victoria’s Secret. These are just two of many examples of pages incredibly popular companies the social media. No direct marketing, there is no compulsion to buy, no “end of month deals,” but people come in torrents, either to know what is the variety of Hawaiian pizza from Pizza Hut, or choose the clothes they love.

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