If you are poor, you do not feel yourself inferior, saboreie the combination. With better purchasing power, the rich one has the option to vary the cardpio, what it does not mean to be the ideal meal. In the reality, the two social classrooms consume rice and beans, the difference is that one can come folloied with egg fries and to another one with portion of caviar. In our homes, rice and beans are nutrient necessary and previsible, to the step that, in the restaurants of luxury or fast- food can be a surprise.
For speaking in surprise, I cite the case of two customers in a restaurant: a woman chokeed and cuspiu a tooth and the man found a frog in the salada one. The tooth, private incrusted in the sandwich, measured two centimeters, a lamentable loss for the big-toothed one. The frog, small letter, of exotic color was classified as a rare species of amphibian. Far from being only an limited plate or trivial, the pair has its advantages, it has until that defend ‘ ‘ it lives plus who eats menos’ ‘. Optimum E, eating rice and beans in its residence, the poor person will be collaborating with the Protective Institutions of the Animals, case one another species appears in the plate.
The Marrakchia dakka is a musical cultural tradition exclusive of Morocco. In Arabic, the word dakka means rhythmically hitting with hands due to the particular sound produced by your hands hitting a smooth surface with your fingers together or apart. It can also be written in other ways, like daqqa, dekka or dekker. As its name indicates, the Marrakchia dakka originated in the imperial city of Marrakech and mainly has its maximum expression during the festival of Atxuri (celebrated the 10th day of the Muslim year). The celebration of weddings is also an excellent opportunity to hear the dakka Marrakchia, where the atmosphere is vibrant, cheerful and lively. The dakka represents a kind of rhythmic applause, as las palmas, perfectly precise and controlled.
It is a true manual feat based on three phases of rhythmic acceleration orchestrated by three main instruments: the ta rijat, small terracotta bell-shaped tambourine; the tar, an instrument of membrane; and the qarqaba or karkaba, a few Finger Cymbals of iron reminiscent of the castanets used in Spain. The troop consists of many percussionists starting with songs that make reference to the saints of the city and evoke all the praise that they deserve. The first phase, extensive and majestic, directed by the master percussionist, reminds some of Ahwash dances. The second phase (or medium phase) is simple, moderate, and repetitive. his. It is a prelude to the expected change of pace during the third and final phase of this dakka called Afus (which means hand in Berber language). During this final phase, the dakka artists get carried away by the effects of the popular trumpet or nfir and manage to increase even more the atmosphere of fellowship, entertainment and mysticism that undoubtedly enchantment them. Morocco therefore has an important heritage music, as varied as their society is multicultural. If you want to satisfy your curiosity and discover all the musical styles in Morocco, I invite you to visit this wonderful country and enjoy their cultural wealth of first-hand.
No doubt you will enjoy an unforgettable holiday full of moments of pleasure and happiness. Your want to discover this perfect music, are guests to visit Marrakech, where you will have the opportunity of enjoying the marrakchia innumerable dekka concert. They may stay in one of the beautiful riads of Marrakech, which transported them in time to a past full of authentic oriental life. Contact information is here: george karfukel. Also, many hotels in Marrakech and villas in Marrakech will encourage their evenings with the marrakchia dakka, gnawa music or many other fascinating musical rhythms of Morocco.
Since last Thursday, November 5 series of Fox Glee, which has proved to be a success in the United States, where has awakened an unexpected boom thanks to its original theme, in which the protagonists are the least adjusted the parameters of beauty or success, which we are accustomed American series premiered in Latin America. Series where a group of just losers seeks to form the musical group in his high school, overcoming the fear of ridicule and with the firm intention not to pass more unnoticed whatever it takes, has received the best reviews and with only his chapter on premiere in an unprecedented event, came to receive 3 nominations at this year’s Teen Choice Awards. The series, as it was not a long time, manages to break the paradigms of series in this case of teen musicals, and this is possible thanks to the vision of its producer Ryan Murphy, which many say nothing his name, however when speaking of shows such as Nip/Tuck, we can already recognize because Murphy has been catalogued as one of the producers more original and outstanding in the current entertainment industry. Acceptance of the series has been total, and already it is forecast that the cast of the series will have secured a concert tour throughout United States, and to increase the expectation, already sold his first cd with songs that will be in the first season. The bet of the Fox for his new project has been such that even not thought twice when they took the decision to delay the transmission of the speech by President Barack Obama on health reform, when for the bad luck of the mandatary, coincided with the transmission of the second chapter of the series. Glee seems destined to become a mass phenomenon, proposing a story more grounded with the reality of teens, and away from the perfect fussiness of series such as High School Musical and its similar, which can even be direct victims in the fight for the rating and the river of fans who have been accustomed..