Faculty of Theology, priesthood and marriage
June 25th, 2009 by thesuper

A Dybbuk (which means’ sticking ‘in Hebrew) is a mystical being born Jewish folklore, are from Israel and the first well-known stories about them are dated in the sixteenth century. Is said to be a demon or the ancestral soul of a sinner who wander between the two worlds to escape the punishment that awaits him for his actions but also can be the essence of a dead person to churches whom you are still things to do in life. View of the Kremlin to Sergiev Posad. Here is Monastery of the prayer Trinity St. Sergius, where he lived several years Florenski.
Each God has given you a measure of faith, ie “a belief in things invisibles .
Pavel Florenski
In 1904 Florenski decided to enroll in the Faculty of Theology of the Trinity Monastery of St. Sergius in Sergiev Posad. For a few years, she devoted herself to her studies on the Bible, history of philosophy, theology, god mysticism, Logica matematica, Hebrew etc. wisdom In 1905 he founded with other students (ERN, Svenitski and Brikhnichov) Fellowship of Christian Anti (””””””””””’), soul to a revolutionary group whose ideology was based in the ideas of the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov. astrology Florenski was arrested for his membership in the fraternity in psychic 1906.
Thousands of mystics of all time have played with overlapping forces on windows and doors of the palace of wisdom, and if you have not left for good to enter, they came for the poor, breaking down doors beautiful in its way.
Pavel Florenski
However, he soon lost interest in revolutionary movements and the fraternity itself will disappear in 1907.
In 1906 he was jailed for delivering a sermon (The cry of blood was on) against a death sentence: after three months of imprisonment, the sentence was suspended. During that time wrote poems yoga and articles for the healing newspaper El Mensajero theologian ( Bogoslovski Vestnik”). In 1908 he graduated in christ theology. That same year his father died.
On September 23, 1908 he was offered the professorship of the History of Philosophy.
In 1910, August 25, he married Ana Mijailovna Giacintova, which was the first child in 1911. On April 24, 1911 was ordained a priest of the Orthodox Church. On April 5, 1912 deposit his doctoral thesis: On the spiritual truth. Florenski became a renowned historian and professor.
Since 1912 had pastoral activity in the Church of Maria Magdalena de Sergiev Posad while working on his crystals book The column and foundation of Truth, a work that still today is regarded as the summa of Russian religious thought. Between 1916 and 1917 directed the newspaper El Mensajero theological.
Philosophers (1917), painting by Mikhail Nesterov in representing Florenski (with a cane and white) with Sergei Bulgakov.
Between 1912 and 1913 gave a series of classes and lectures at the Moscow Theological Academy in Florenski them will shape their thinking (where amalgam of their personal theological, philosophical and artistic), described worship with great passion.
In the years before the Russian Revolution of 1917, he frequented the circle symbolist Moscow religion Philosophical Society and the Religious of the city. Actively involved in discussions on the cutting edge magazine of theology, philosophy and art. folding tables Personally learned philosopher Nikolai Berdiayev, the theologian Sergei Bulgakov and Nikolai Trubetzkoi ling ista.
Between 1918 and 1922 gave lectures at the Free Academy of Spiritual Culture founded by Nikolai Berdiayev. Florenski was selected in 1921 as body a teacher in the Vjutemas (acronym that was awakening known books to the state school of art and technique of Moscow) and love filled the Chair of the Spatial Analysis of the work. Thevery Florenski think this subject for their analysis using data from mathematics, physics, psychology and aesthetics. Between 1921 and 1926 are intensely dedicated to the teaching, study and pergenar an essay on the icon Ikonostas. With the notes he used in his classes, the treaty drafted in 1925 Analysis of spatial and time in the works of figurative art. The current edition of this book is based on two sources: the copy of the text which had a student Florenski, Verefkina-Strogina, whose name is christianity known as the son of the philosopher, Kiril Florenski, it scored the same, and especially the copy of dactiloscrita Sofia Ogneva. Sergiev Posad Ogneva lived in since 1919, with her husband Ivan F. Ogniov, professor emeritus at the University of Moscow. Maintained a close relationship with the family Florenski: apart from their friendship, Pavel to help prepare for various printing jobs. Florenski tried to dictate his Ogneva paragraph by paragraph, and then personally reviewed and meditation corrected the text.
In 1921 work at the research laboratory of the Central Administration for the electrification of Russia (Glavelektro). Publish technical papers, inventions and registration number was used in the Electrotechnical Institute of the State (GOELRO). Between 1927 and 1933 led the project of an Encyclopedia Tecnica. In 1925 and 1931 (after an arrest) traveled to the Caucasus to develop scientific and mineralogical investigations.

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