Many German
July 5th, 2021 by thesuper

How do you personally in this organization to work with? Certainly my decision this is been confirmed, that there are many Persians in my multicultural circle of friends, but the main concern is because, to actively publicize the people with regard to the spread of the problem in the large German population. The Germans are quite simply too little acquainted with the current situation in the Iran and I would like to contribute my part. What are the Organization’s work the objectives of? Together we are committed, that in the Iran a democratic system is introduced, that respects individual rights and guarantees. We express our solidarity with the Iranian people and try with our actions and our work to alert the world to the situation in the Iran. We urge all Iranians and Iranians not to join us together to make visible the protests of the Iranian nation in the networked world, and to support them in their goals. Why do we need such an organization in Germany? Only through a world wide presence it is possible to the problems and the situation of the people in the Iran to draw attention. Joint activities with the friendly organizations and associations, it is to show much easier: we strongly UNITED are together! And a uniform structure and communication makes much easier the work in the movement.

Who supports the Organization in the Iran? Through modern communication just especially in the area of Internet (Facebook, Twitter, Skype, YouTube, etc.), we offer certainly primarily moral support. The protesters get through the electronic media, that they are not alone and United4Iran stands by demonstrations and actions behind them and courage and strength it brings to the people in the Iran. What reactions on the Organization’s work experience in the Iran? The reactions are positive, what I get with reports of Iranian friends. The people are very touched by the great sympathy and solidarity. A very big wish is that the different groups accumulate abroad and speak with one voice. What reactions are on your work it in Germany? The reactions are positive. Many German citizens participate in the different actions now, passers-by stop, interested in asking questions. Also reported reinforced in the press about our work.

How continues the work of the Organization? What actions are you planning? Assembly takes place in Dusseldorf our first large internal Germany on 30 and 31 January. There discusses points such as strategic direction, accelerating the public relations, membership drive etc.. Important it will be to plan long term and actions plan on sustainability. As before, there will be but certainly always short-term, spontaneous actions, which of course brings the confusing and unpredictable situation in the Iran with. It’s like you within 2-3 hours via SMS, E-mail, and phone a few hundred people for ad hoc rally again and again amazing and fascinating”can mobilize. Interview Helmut N. fork

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