North-Eastern Brazil
December 25th, 2014 by thesuper

This generates in group one interest for these forms of poetry that had still existed and exists north-eastern Brazilian. After that the pupils congregate themselves in group to produce characteristic texts of the twine and the impulsivity. The productions will have to be socialized with the other groups. The activity is sufficiently interesting, and the pupils can contribute bringing of house in the following day twine texts of knowledge of the parents and other people, as well as whom to find of friends and in the Internet and all will even be read in the room. EVALUATION: It will have to be observed the interest, the participation, the questionings, the inferences, on the subject. The pupils will have to produce texts in twine. SOCIALIZATION: The texts produced for the pupils will have to be presented verbally for the school, recorded in compact disc, or could be mounted a fair to the fashion northeastern where the brochures could be made use in twine, and still could be placed in the Internet.

The twine and the impulsivity are not activities that propitiate only entertainment. They are types of art that can be appreciated until learned in the school. Currently one understands that all creative expression demands a space in the daily pertaining to school. The didactic use of the video and the TV integrated to other used technological devices already in the classroom serves to illustrate of categorical form that the modern technology dialogues with the different forms of language and cultural manifestations, therefore awakes the interest of the educandos for the contents in study, creates a favorable environment the comment, analysis, comparison, questioning and inferences what it contributes for a contextualizada and significant learning and integrator of some areas of the knowledge.

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