Construction of an oil platform in the natural gas North Sea. looks to supply green energy is the way forward … Both the extraction of oil and gas, mixed with large leaves …
The operational section is divided into two groups currently operational action called “Alpha” and “Bravo”, formerly called “10”, “20” and “30”, but due to lack of personal change that structure, passing set up two task forces known as “40” and “50” and they finally went to “Alpha” and “Bravo”, as mentioned above. The latter change affects the structure of these groups in terms of controls and standards.
Each member of the command is framed in a particular specialty that complements the versatility household of the total, drawing a better return on their personal qualifications. The specialties of the members of the command are openings (use of appropriate means for entry into enclosed spaces), shooter, shooter support, special means and combat diver.
This ensures that each command is self-operating for many activities, although sometimes used to concentrate certain specialists from various commands to take on a mission.
In the Operations Section also come from the energy Task Force and Special Education (gofe) and the Task Force of experience (drip).
Task Force Training and Specialty: Varies according to your body needs time to time, includes a small group of operations to coordinate all activities relating to training electricity ESCO courses, which generally have a biannual basis, taking also work to support the activities of task forces responsible for the coordination of technical assessments and retraining of personnel operating the GEO and G.O.E.S..
The Task Force of experience, coordinated by the second head of the unit like the first, is the core activity being informed of all developments in relation to material on offer, as well as those that may be assessed Interesting for GEO … gas on the high seas are, respectively, green energy of the British Gas (60 … Gas to supply natural gas to Israel from Gaza since the wells at sea. …
Currently over 50 percent of the gas plants are installed on the high seas … the time is ripe to take advantage of the lower energy costs, IDT. Energy ESCO has taken the initiative to offers households large savings on their energy bills Regasificadora offshore (offshore) are in favor of the gas but not …
… gas on the high seas are, respectively, of the British Gas (60 gas … Gas to supply natural gas to Israel from Gaza since the wells at sea. …
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