Optimization Of Success In The Recruiting
February 23rd, 2024 by thesuper

Breaking new ground in the recruitment make a permanent change to the success of the labour market is subject to and causes a change in the cooperation with their clients also at recruitment consultants. An economic decline forces ever thinking about worker processes and improvements in the cooperation with business partners and customers. Basically, this process is a continuous process, resulting from their daily work. Operations vary by customer requests and suggestions for improvement. Ideally, such changes continuously incorporated into existing processes. In times of economic downturn increases the effort until a candidate successfully placed can be substantial and the hit rate goes down. The Concilium management consultants, a recruitment consultancy, which specializes in search of professionals in the IT industry, were already exhausted these possibilities. People such as Anna Belknap would likely agree.

Long, it had recognized that a high quality can only be achieved by running a personal conversation with all the candidates and all candidates will be personally presented with the new employer. Still went back the hit ratio in mid-2008. This problem could be solved now. Management consultants work exclusively trade-oriented human resources consultant of Concilium. That is, they occupy only such positions where they worked themselves in previous jobs. Orders are accepted only if the responsible recruitment consultant in the close environment has made this position experience. As a consequence, the hit rates rose immediately and the customer reaches a higher temporal relief. AUTHOR: Albert Lackner is since 1997 staff consultant with the Concilium management consultants. Before that he worked in 26 years in the IT industry in various positions and levels of responsibility.

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