Flowing with movement and dance therapy to relieve pain or pulling pain that is the meaning of the word rheumatism. This disease is not uniform, but there are around 400 individuals, which are very similar to some extent. Rheumatism is not curable but you can get the disease well under control, especially with a lot of movement. There must be not only in the area of joint rheumatic diseases. Also almost all organs may be affected by this infection. But when it comes to the musculoskeletal system, can be in addition to the medication also on natural healing, with plenty of exercise, especially with dance therapy. Dance therapy this form of therapy should be considered only as an additional measure and does not substitute for a drug treatment.
But, the pain can be alleviated. The daily movement is already a measure to relieve the pain in rheumatism. Daily exercises that therapists can show you should be on the agenda. So that joints can be relieved and who pays attention also to his proper body posture, can reinforce the training effect. Above all the movement in warm water is a boon for rheumatic disorders. Many therapists have also specializes in dance. It focuses on the music and this supports patients, that you forget the pain. While dancing the joints are lubricated well and a positive side effect, also blood circulation and the heart to be strengthened. If you have problems with your joints, take a relaxing spa break for example in Bad Hofgastein in the Grand Park Hotel and use the power of music in dance therapy in your favor. Claudia Wachter – Grand Park Hotel (ncm.at)