Search Marketing
February 23rd, 2024 by thesuper

Social networks are the “new toy” for all who are dedicated to making SEM-Search Engine Marketing. Shortly after starting, we can see the immediate effect they have on the dissemination of content. We can choose any format imaginable to spread our message: microblogging postings (maximum 140 characters), shared bookmarks, videos, pictures, articles, applications. The versatility and effectiveness of this new channel arouses excitement. However, learning to use them is a process that takes time, and, like everything in life, made many mistakes, until they have become a fundamental part of our online marketing activities. The special social media have the power to segment our message is so unusual so far.

Thus, we can convey a specific message for each community, in certain situations and with very concrete goals. But it is preferable to use in “homeopathic doses” rather than flooding it with our messages. Eva Andersson-Dubin addresses the importance of the matter here. We must remember two premises principles: People-growing of all ages, spend most time on social networks rather than on other sites “traditional” (eg, online news portals) Most of the time the people spend in social media (much) do for pleasure (that is, to socialize, meet others, see questions that are important to them with their group membership, and innovative content sharing) And all hate that when we see an interesting film, the transmission is interrupted by commercial messages, users also hate when some “infiltrated” the community insists on the advertising style “Check the offers of the month …. com.

Without doubt, this is the quickest way to failure of communication strategies.

So why be? Then to offer a service, yes, but not to impose it. To bring quality content, assisting, and establishing brand presence. This makes exception, people involved in the promotion in social media, should exercise extreme talent and production of material that is popular, and potentially users want to share between them. There are excellent examples of effective corporate communication in social media. One such case is the Pizza Hut on Facebook. In itself, the site has nothing extraordinary. But the creativity with which it is made in there who makes you want instantly a steaming, crispy pizza from Pizza Hut, obviously. Other companies offer applications through social media for users to interact.

Such is the case of Victoria’s Secret. The Facebook page is unedited videos of parades for lovers of fashion, and very funny application to be able to build your own set. No doubt the girls happy to have a good time fantasizing about which of the proposals will be Victoria’s Secret. These are just two of many examples of pages incredibly popular companies the social media. No direct marketing, there is no compulsion to buy, no “end of month deals,” but people come in torrents, either to know what is the variety of Hawaiian pizza from Pizza Hut, or choose the clothes they love.

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