Sustainable development projects for vulnerable people improve their quality of life drive the Development Fund Barrancas, Guajira FONDEBA and SENA. The purpose is to carry out technical training, organizational and business, each group will develop business plans or make productive or social projects that allow for pooling, which will be funded or financed by FONDEBA. The training will start after the characterization is made to benefit the population to be located in the zone of influence FONDEBA. It expects to serve over 150 people in areas of Carpentry, Crafts and Making Blankets, Welding, Bakery, Dressmaking, Fish Culture, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Basic Accounting, Partnerships, Leadership and Associativity. Under the agreement, will train staff in the municipality of Barrancas serving the Fund to make the accompaniment to the beneficiaries in the management of credit and project methodology. SENA will be responsible for supporting the consolidation of at least three businesses in operation, with resources of the Undertaking.