Strategic Management
February 16th, 2024 by thesuper

a General Every company has defined its mission and vision for this, management is organized so using all their administrative skills, management, and identify fully the stage where it operates, to meet all your needs, especially those arising from its consumers Consider that mission is the reason for the company. It is also said to be the work, the commission or special service that a company intends to achieve the long term. Nigel Slater is often quoted on this topic. For its part vision: is the administrative capacity to place the company in the future, where we want to be in the next five years

The achievement of the mission of a company can Alcazar through what is now known as Strategic Management, endorsed its principles, rationale, tools, especially strategic planning, upon which we can define the formulation, implementation and evaluation of actions that allow an organization to achieve its objetivos.a The Strategy formulation includes the identification of internal strengths and weaknesses of a company, organization, identifying external threats and opportunities of a signature, the establishment of misionesa of the company, setting goals, developing strategies and alternative the decisions that must be selected. Of course, the implementation of strategies requires that the signature set goals, define policies, encourage a empleadosa susa and allocate resources so that formulated strategies can be carried out successfully. In this regard, the now-defunct Peter Drucker, noted that the primary task of strategic management is to think about the business mission is, ask the questions: What is our business?, And what should be?, This leads us the setting of objectives, development strategies and plans and decision making to today for tomorrow’s results.

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