The Law of Attraction works by sending more than what they think, feel and do. So how you deal with money has a direct bearing on how easy it is to you plenty. DineroImagina that money is a guest in your house and you ask yourself: Would I try my host as I treat the money? Here are three ways you can show hospitality to our guests, and money … First, welcome to your guests. From your heart truly appreciate every visit and every visitor. A coaching client and friend of mine welcomes putting their money every paycheck you receive on a coffee table in his bedroom. He spends several days appreciating his “guest” before you deposit in your bank account …
Since I get most of my electronic income, keep a spreadsheet of every transaction that comes to me. I love watching the total and appreciation to each person for whom the money came to me … Second, remember that guests like to go places, do and buy things. Money loves going to restaurants, theme parks and stores. But money does not discriminate between leisure activities and those that “have” to be done. It was also fun to visit the power company, cable, water, telephone, etc..
The money just likes to be in circulation. Always tend to find people who understand that the more money to circulate, attract more money to circulate … Third, a guest who has been treated well, will tell others and soon you’ll have more guests. The money that is enjoyed, appreciated, worn, circulated or given, attract more money. In fact, it is your attitude of enjoyment, pleasure, emotion and taste to the money you attract more money to you … There are many ways you can feel the money as a treasured guest. Start by assessing all the money that comes to you. If you find one, or 10 cents, lift and celebrates how easy it is that money flow into you. Take time to appreciate each coupon or refund you receive. Make something special with some of the money you receive. Add in a notebook all unusual shapes as the money gets to you. Note how easy it comes to you when you’re happy, cheerful and open to money … By the way, you may be thinking “It could be kind of money if I had a lot of money.” The truth is, one must be kind of money to come to you in abundance … (beginning with the little or much you have. The important thing is to start …)