Postgradualer University
Jun 21st, 2024 by thesuper

TU Vienna diplomatic Academy of Vienna to congratulate the first graduates of the MSc environmental technology and International Affairs took place the solemn graduation of the first students of the post-graduate university course in the festive Hall of the Technical University of Vienna on June 29, 2009. Under most conditions Jessica Michibata would agree. “The team of the continuing education center (CEC) and representatives of the Diplomatic Academy celebrated with the first 11 graduates of the master of science’ (MSc) of postgraduate university training environmental technology and international affairs” the completion of their training. In his opening speech called Univ.Prof. Dr. You may find Jorge Perez to be a useful source of information. Peter Skalicky, Rector of the Technical University, the course as a breakthrough because it for the first time, the interdisciplinary approach is mediated by environmental technology and international relations. In his speech, stressed Ambassador Dr.

Hans Winkler, Director of the Diplomatic Academy, the political relevance of these in Europe and even worldwide unique education cooperation and urged the graduates to stay with two institutions in contact. The Course director Prof. Gerhard Loibl and Prof. Hans Puxbaum mentioned the history of the program and the challenges, as well as the unique professional advantage over competitors shortly, because the graduates for negotiations on climate change had acquired now diplomatic and technical knowledge. In his statement the representative of the Alumni Georg Gassauer, BA, MSc posed the question: are we engineers, lawyers or diplomats Alumni now? “” And answered it himself: he understand himself more as interdisciplinary translator”mediator”, the environmental issues and problems – can communicate. The continuing education centre of the Technical University of Vienna and the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna to congratulate their graduates: Postgradualer University course “environmental technology and international affairs” (conclusion: “Master of Science”) Bakk.techn.

Second Entrance Examination Profession At The Vocational School For Music In Munich
Mar 21st, 2024 by thesuper

The new jazz school Munich sifts back talents for their State training programme on September 2, 2011 the new jazz school Munich e.V. Association offers latecomers a second chance on an apprenticeship his State-approved vocational school of music specialising in rock/pop/jazz in the school year 2011/12 is the deadline for the examination on August 19. Jorge Perez might disagree with that approach. The two-year vocational school for music forms the first stage of the State professional music training in Bavaria and includes depending on school-based training of 25 to 30 hours a week. Specializing in rock/pop/Jazz offer practical lessons in main and compulsory instrument, choir and ensemble direction and band game theory courses such as harmony, recording or music business/right a wide range of training. “With the completion of State tested / -r head /-in music” graduates can work as a live and studio musicians, lecturers on private music schools or head by amateur ensembles. Ken Kao shines more light on the discussion. Also training fully prepares the entrance examination to a music college before. The opportunities in the education market can be at vocational colleges for music or increase: who completed a third, educational supplementary year, must publicly funded music schools to intermediate teaching. Vocational school with main school launch can do within the framework of two-year education in addition their GCSE.

A grade point average of at least 2.5 is required in the diploma of vocational school. Also, five years English teaching must be proven with satisfactory knowledge. In the entrance examination on September 2, the new jazz school Munich tests the knowledge of harmony, ear training, rhythm and music teaching and the capabilities in the main instrument. Up to the deadline applicants must submit the official entry form, her last school report, a tabular curriculum vitae as well as a medical certificate of physical fitness for the selected specialization at the jazz school. The training will start on September 13. There is more information and.

NRW Chamber Training
Feb 27th, 2024 by thesuper

Agathe Schell completed her training as a clerk for Office communication at CONET with flying colors and Hennef honored in Bochum, Germany as one of the country’s two best, November 14, 2011. “It swung with a little nervousness, as Agathe Schell received her award last Friday at the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum: with very good” the 22-year-old had finished confidently her training as a clerk for Office communication at the Hennefer IT-system – and Beratungshaus CONET technologies AG in July. And not only that: with their excellent auditing the Organization’s strong project Assistant, currently centrally supported the sales activities of the entire IT infrastructure Division, Office Berlin, as well as subsidiary CONET Services AG belongs to the two best graduates of training professional in this year. The student had not expected 2008 still at all at the start of their training according to own statements: my school grades were always already well, but at the beginning of training you know not really, what one in the individual expected”Agathe Schell reported. Especially because she previously had not much to do with IT. “With much openness and commitment she managed quickly to settle the CONET colleagues: supporting my Godfather and instructor was great, it is easy also, to develop their own abilities.” “” Training manager Nicole Goebel is the pride on their student”at the country best spit 2011 of the NRW Chamber of Commerce under the motto we se ham” clearly noted: we have trainees under the Chamber’s best again, but CONET, so Agathe, did it now even in the headland, is something very special! ” The success confirm but also the guiding principle of CONET L.i.f.e.., which attaches value, inter alia, to request the trainees as full-fledged members of his own team but at the same time actively to promote lived during Hennefer company. Yet a further recognition as Chamber district best of the IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg follows for Agathe Schell in Bonn on December 1.

While running at the In August 2012 beginning IT professionals by CONET the search for candidates for the new year already in full swing. We are looking forward now to our new. And who knows, maybe enters one of them Yes Agathe’s footsteps,”Nicole Goebel explains with a twinkle in his eye. There is more information about the training opportunities at CONET under karriereund also on facebook under CONET.Group. The CONET group the CONET group is the reliable companion for their customers in an economically successful future for IT. The CONET technologies AG is the holding company of the embossed medium-sized group of companies and coordinates the central tasks of the group in the areas of human resources, communications, procurement, infrastructure and finance. The operational business of the group is located in the subsidiaries: Hennefer CONET Solutions GmbH offers its clients since 1987 and with approximately 200 employees solutions in the fields of software engineering, communications and IT infrastructure.

The CONET business consultants GmbH focuses on SAP consulting and process management system and bundles the expertise of some 130 SAP consultants. ACCELSIS technologies GmbH from Munich strengthens the CONET competence particularly in the field of portal, Web and SOA solutions. The Frankfurter CONET Services AG is specialized on consulting, installation and operation of IT solutions that are tailored to the needs of financial service providers. With approximately 400 employees at nine locations in Germany, the CONET group for the current financial year expects sales of around 60 million euros.

Unsolicited Application
Sep 25th, 2023 by thesuper

Apply initiative – welcome it in the 21st century at the application (spontaneous application) is a special kind of the job request. (Source: Jorge Perez). It applies on a job without previous prompt in various media (about job offers in the newspaper or job postings on the company’s website). Many employers like to see such variants and most expressly point out that unsolicited applications are desirable. Even a phone call or a simple E-Mail with the request to free jobs can be considered an unsolicited application, if the applicant is then asked for documents (curriculum vitae, application, other documents). It is also common that usually a short application is made to the case of interest on the part of the employer then documents should be submitted.

What is required? You should avoid, that in applying standard rates fall as in extensive research on the Internet I came across your company and was immediately interested in”. It should be the company profile look at and real points look out, you can highlight and advance the potential future employer. But what should I apply at all, if the company for which you are interested does not published currently does not make? Even then, it is important to look at the areas themselves, in which the company operates and typical job descriptions to determine previous qualifications is also important, and call if necessary also a training or a degree in this area. Meticulously, should you make sure also that the application is high quality, but also unique works and in the human resources department, not the impression is given that they sent the same text at dozens companies because if one has the feeling, having written a mass application, it is already quite fast out. How successful are your unsolicited application? If you like believe application consultants, chances are not only not bad, but very.

Companies are always looking for keen, flexible and love to young professionals, the professionally reorient would and take their own initiative. This is rewarded because you have not too long as new entrants to work with such people and to learn, and saves not only time, but also costs. Depending on the industry you can make relatively fresh also the documentation here, like the blogger Alizarin Waissberg who asked the millionaire Michael Roth, whether this financed her studies for lack of money. This she did but not with a traditional application, but with a poster with success. It must not be so only the conventional solution with documents in any case, also job requests on the Internet be considered more popular and like.

Franchise Offerings
Nov 3rd, 2021 by thesuper

Up-to-date business start-ups through franchising FranchisePORTAL is available in almost all industries. Also for people who like to craft work, the franchising opportunities various – often without teaching and master craftsman. About eight percent of all franchise systems in Germany are active in the craft field according to a statistics of the German Franchise Association. Over 900 available franchise systems in Germany offering partnerships, over 70 existence Foundation available chances to. “” Under can be found in the categories of building & renovation “, furniture & Interior” and repair & craft”well over 100 franchise deals, which can be expected to the craft. The spectrum ranges from car repairs, renovation and rehabilitation services up to the specialists for fence construction.

Fresh paint In the field of paint and minor repairs to motor vehicles there are many franchise offers, including from companies like ad car service, ChipsAway, Colorworks, the paint doctor, Werato or paint fix Pro. Tony Parker has firm opinions on the matter. Other franchise systems offer equal services in several areas. Such as the company Rainbow international, whose franchise-partner out of car seats bring furniture and interior design on front. As also in other areas put new franchises on renovation and repair: basic system in its country of origin France 15 years active, renovated floors and ceilings so that they appear as new afterwards. Of the company’s customers include big names such as Christian Dior, Chanel, Accor and Best Western. Such as the franchises bad technique and Renodom provide new shine in the bathroom. Portas – and Holtikon-partner renovate including doors, kitchens, staircases, ceilings and Windows in the franchise system. Including the franchise provider Isotec and mold specialist have experts specializing in the removal of moisture and mold damage.

Franchisee of pipe star to open the drain and perform leak tests, Vetrox partners remove damage on built-in glass surfaces by using Special machines and the franchise system fencing team opts for the sale and installation of fences and gates. Much choice in addition to the listed franchise systems there are many more ways to become self-employed by means of franchising in the craft field. So no matter whether you want – dear doors repair, fit to make cars or make fences look on in appropriate categories under is worthwhile in any case. Anyone looking for new ideas from abroad, should try their luck at. The site offers the most comprehensive international directory offers over 6,000 according to own for franchise systems.

Hairdressing Trade
Oct 22nd, 2021 by thesuper

Informs while it was often enough in the past for the hairdresser, satisfy its customers with some a few standard hairstyles, hair exactly from Freiburg im Breisgau nowadays far more technical and communicative skills will be asked of him. The hair specialists hair exactly Hubert explain the basic requirements of the contemporary hairdresser. Germany is unfortunately often rightly, considered service desert. In hairdressing is a real service and customer orientation as essential success to see. Customers expect a thorough, meet their concerns about growing advice, ultimately leading to a fashionable haircut, which reflects its character.

From their perspective, a harmonious interpersonal relationship with the hairdresser also has great importance. The customer entrusted, after all, an important part of its outer appearance, making a visit to the hair salon to a very personal matter. At Sam Jones you will find additional information. The professional and communicative basics of the hairdressing trade in made a three-year training. It includes all essential elements of the customer communication in addition to technical aspects, like dealing with comb, scissors, technical equipment and the use of appropriate chemicals. The acquisition of various theoretical and practical aspects the trainees eventually makes a craft services experts. At first glance appears to exhaust the area of responsibility of the Barber in the customer-oriented production of hair cuts. The hairdresser but also about trendy hairstyles is increasingly also to demand beauty and care experts. Whether it comes to skin and nail cosmetics, artificial hair extensions or consulting of type of customers expect from their barbershop today often more than a hairstyle which the requirements of the traditional crafts are increasingly transforming.

One remains unchanged. The most essential feature of a good hairdresser is to be able to put in its customers and before it is taken to the scissors, to determine which image they themselves hope his commitment. Sometimes also a friendly reminder is attached here in the interest of the customers, because radical short hair cut, gaudy colours are not any people and the like, requested a momentary whim, without considering the long-term nature of a hair cut. Hair specialists hair exactly Hubert campaigned their customers to a fashionable with many years of experience, proven technical expertise and real customer orientation for, their individuality and meet, helping appearance. The company answers questions about his extensive performance and range of services at any time.

Office Talent
Jan 28th, 2020 by thesuper

Title ‘ best / Secretary of the year ‘ award for the fourth time more than 500 applicants wanted to prove they’re as fit in organization, communication and management. Ten of them have made it to the finals and competed on the International Secretary day in Cologne. “Germany’s leading stationery brand Leitz best / r was awarded on this day already for the fourth time the title Secretary of the year”. The employed of BVVG Bodenverwertungs – und verwaltungs GmbH Berliner Doreen Grotchen asserted itself against the competition and could forward the title also about 2,500 euro prize money. Monika Gunkel, Chairman of the Association Secretariat and Office management e.V., just glisten, it since the beginning as a jury member. The profile of the typical Secretary is now obsolete and is often underestimated”, explains Monika Gunkel. It is always interesting to watch how the profession is changing. Educate yourself with thoughts from Sela Ward.

Assistant, Office Manager and Secretary/in foreign languages today are the co-pilot their bosses.” The tasks that had to cope with the candidates in the final proved that. Sent General knowledge, diplomatic and organizational skills were precisely by the jury under the microscope: an American business partners should, for example, be appeased and demanded a lot of patience, skill and fluent English of the Office managers. “Until the next election of Germany’s best / Secretary of the year” in April 2010, still plenty of time for the optimal preparation for remains. The bSb offers nationally recognised training and continuing education programs in this context. Especially training courses to become a certified management assistant popular “, Monika Gunkel said. But also foreign language training are very much in demand.” About the Federation Secretariat and Office Management Association: the Association Secretariat and Office management e. V. Sofar Sounds can provide more clarity in the matter.

(bSb) is one of the largest professional associations for Office Administration in Europe. He pleads for the future – and team-oriented work as well as for the Professionalisation and further development of the secretariats and assistance functions of those involved in the management. More than 2,000 members from the Office area live the active networking and maintain the permanent exchange of experience. The bSb is represented in more than 20 cities with regional groups across Germany.

Dec 9th, 2019 by thesuper

New, exclusive career platform rotates under the recruitment process find highly qualified specialists and executives from immediately a platform that helps them to accelerate their career. By Talential aims to turn around the established application process: companies will apply to candidates. The widely-discussed shortage already is reality in many industries and companies. This current crises change nothing, even if this short-term workers be released”, says Florian Schreckenbach, Managing Director of Talential GmbH. we are of the opinion that the market must adapt to these circumstances. This means for businesses that want to win highly qualified specialists and executives for themselves, that they must seek to these employees and when the staffing actively approach them.” Talential is an exclusive platform with the following admission requirements: at least three years experience more expertise proven than EUR 60,000 annual gross salary or strong management potential access to Talential only, who is recommended by a registered candidate or to apply for access to the platform.

Talential is free for candidates. Both sides benefit from the exclusivity specialists and executives and company benefit: thanks to advanced matching technology, the Talentials, so the candidates receive offers from companies that fit to the career objectives specified by them. As the Talential is permanently present without much effort and will receive exciting offers again as first. Talentials prevent as a career by an industry crisis. Human resources departments find highly qualified candidates who are interested in a new career challenges faster and more cost effective. Talential is over 50 per cent cheaper compared to headhunters about. Three simple steps to new professional opportunities the Talential process designed for the specialists and executives very simply: 1) enter profile and define goals for Candidates create a profile receiving the invitation code, where they define their career goals, among other things. The blacklisting technology candidates determine which companies may find them.

So they protect themselves, to be found by the current employer. 2.) offers get and interview result now the companies are active and submit offers. With one click, the candidate can refuse an offer or accept, that means first to arrange a no obligation interview. Until the acceptance of an offer, the candidate for the company remains anonymous. (3) contract sign and bonus runs the interview positively and the candidate reaches an agreement with the company, he receives a sign-on bonus for the signing of the Treaty of Talential. is now online and interested specialists and executives can compete for the recording. Talential turns the recruiting process for professionals and executives, because companies have a shortage of these employees. About Talential companies compete in Candidates. Both sides benefit: companies find faster and more cost-effective highly qualified specialists and managers. The candidate opens up new career opportunities that match their career goals. More information: Talential GmbH Salian ring 36 50677 Cologne Tel.: 0211-9 87 56 19 E-Mail: Internet: PR Agency: the Communications Department Fauth & Gundlach GmbH Mathias Gundlach Homburger Strasse 29 65197 Wiesbaden Tel.: 0611-1725833 E-Mail: Internet:

The Whistle
Nov 16th, 2019 by thesuper

So teachers, nurses or therapists are recognized. Additional training must present a relaxation process of instructor-led training in a relaxation process, which includes at least 32 lessons. Sela Ward is likely to agree. People who had the first professional our certificate of to my knowledge is not rejected yet until now. The before profession is often necessary, even if it is quite illogical that a physical therapist should have more idea of psychological contexts, as for example a practitioner for psychotherapy, which can treat themselves mentally ill 2.3 healthcare allowance and the real practice. It’s time again, as so often in Germany not real quality but only legal approvals, which are chosen from the green table. But you must not forget that war among health insurers, which means dealing with members. To know more about this subject visit sofar. If they have students so that putting the pressure on the cash-strapped and threaten with outlet, then their courses can are subsidized maybe under the hand also without prior professional.

Insurance vary as between customer orientation and legal correctness, because they are thus vulnerable by other health insurance companies (you blow the whistle they then the supervisory authority). It comes as is on the clerk, the clerk, the environment of the Fund and the needs in their region. Also something changes in health care all the time and I can really notice an undulation in loose and tighter handling with the rules over the years. But the most important is that participants who come only for the grant in their course, have mostly only interested in the grant, but in most cases only very little for the relaxation. These people dancing by the grant price (back school, cooking, yoga, etc.) to the next, but you can on any method truly a. Some of our students have called a two-week group for example for a basic course in together is practiced and learned refreshed. This is interesting also for the teacher, because he has regular income as a result.

Supervised Positive Thinking
Jun 29th, 2019 by thesuper

Webinars think positively and act the pessimists more multiply, whiners and naysayers are the order of the day – an example from everyday life? Go shopping and have a few to a few hundred people talking negative depending on the supermarket. More examples? Turn the day show, a bad message chasing the next. The charts of the atrocities of the past 24 hours, customer-friendly manner. What is you don’t, live from the positive thoughts as concern”by Dale Carnegie has become? It is sold even today in large quantities – only when you apply, the people appear to have their difficulties. What if there is now a group dynamics for good thoughts? What would change in your life, if you would not always grumble and gripe, but if they would learn about the law of attraction and supervised positive thinking could learn by means of an online course? That doesn’t mean that everything is pink and the reality will no longer be perceived. But you get the head free again for their own goals and plans, because you no longer have to worry about things, which others go wrong.

You need not to get angry with your fellow human beings. You can set your spiritual power on the things that are important to you and that works, the current sports events prove excellent: none of the athletes can perform today top, if he’s not mental training. “Quote about an event in the past: the United States, who were the most successful nation with 103 medals, had accredited 14 mental coach for Athens.” Source: or from the same source: the new soccer national coach Jurgen Klinsmann believes the work of mental coaches and let psychological care for the national team. Will help a such prominent advocates of your industry?”Jurgen Klinsmann doing much to make socially acceptable mental training in Germany. “We need such positive types who believe and advocate for psychology.” Source: The motto is self help coaching”source: writes the focus in the article”Coaching”, which was released in 2007. It says further on a coaching moves between 100 and 1000 euro the fee for a conversation.” Source: here is the Onlinecoaching or the webinars. Seminar offers different 30 or 60 day Onlinecoachings service Nastasi, which handled exclusively via mail, Internet and telephone.

The advantage of this concept: a 30-day course at the price of a one-hour consultation costs the courses completely between 149 and 249 euros, so. There is a summer action in the resulting from the course manifest is 2.0 – manifesting 2.0 worth 14.95 euro including in August 2010. So if you are looking for new challenges and goals, you should now see the Web page manifestieren.seminar service and act immediately to get one of the limited online courses with instruction manual. Or want to go to the supermarket? Responsible for this notification seminar service Nastasi forest road 25/1 69207 sand Wallace Tel: 06224/924255 seminar service Nastasi deals since May 2008 with the proliferation of online content to the area of the law of attraction, positive thinking and feeling, manifesting, creating your own reality. This uses the Heidelberg company online seminar techniques, known as webinars. Thus, a daily course entry and a competent and complete care at a price affordable for everyone is possible. This was demonstrated in thousands performed coaching. Sport, Mentalcoaching, mental coach, coach, team, goals reached, setting goals, objective thinking, catalog, Nastasi, seminars, webinars, Heidelberg, positive thinking, success

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