Many parents sometimes seek forms of entertainment and education for their young children and not always easy to find it. Logically tries to find material that it combines entertainment and fun for children at the same time which is something educational or with some formative utility.Between most used are the children’s songs, since they tend to be very attractive for the children and usually have some educational content. Today, online lyrics of children’s songs, videos and music from children’s songs can be found to listen to. Formerly, was necessary adquitir tapes or videos with this type of material, or recording for television to have it available at other times. Today, the great source of information and multimedia content that is the Internet allows you to have available all the content at any time and place, only through a connection to Internet.Entre other classic entertainments, such as toys, board games, dolls, etc, children’s songs have always been a fast, easy and always accessible way to provide some entertainment for children, with them is to teach or encourage so they can learn something. Usually, these songs have been transmitted from generation to generation among children themselves, in day care or college.Sometimes parents are left without resources, and it could very well use know some more songs. Resorting to the new tecnlologias this knowledge available freely to obtain it, learn, entertain and teach as he has always done.