The Programs
Mar 1st, 2024 by thesuper

When was she who did something wrong, however small the thing, it should be punished. Not that the mother hit her, never used physical force, except in very occasional one Chirlo or a slap, but prevented him from playing with their favorite toys, watch the programs that followed daily on television or go to play house a girlfriend. One would think that with the passage of time a child ends up accepting the situation and stop hurt or at least lessens the pain a little, but that was not what happened to Ruth. Never ceased to feel dejected by this indifference. He could never understand. However he loved his mother and would do anything for her if she had needed. Just as his brother was very young he demonstrated his penchant for physics and chemistry, she had revealed his love of medicine.

With just over three years was devoted to cure their dolls. It gave them syrup and sold and any chance the a tijeraa operaba with their bodies by cutting fabric and glue pen and then joined with a safety pin. Of course, this was followed by a reprimand from his mother, who threatened to buy no more puppets. She promised not to do it, but after a while, and not just for having forgotten his promise to his mother, but because their feelings made him consider his doll was sick and needed urgent surgery to cure, so that even knowing that punishment awaited him back to cut and sew it up with pins.

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