The Businesses
Aug 14th, 2021 by thesuper

Summarizing: the protocol can be a sector, an executed service, one I still number of register or a book. In some institutions, the protocol also can function as one secretariat-generality, having still as functions to carry through the writing of acts, the publication of announcements in periodicals, the synthesis of the received and forwarded correspondences, the maintenance of relative data to this documentation etc. From computerization, the internal communication of the organizations (e, therefore, the performance of the protocol sector) earned very in agility. By means of the computer, the employees can, for example, search protocolled documents and see as it walks the transaction of processes. The performance of the protocol it varies very of an organization for another one, but, in general way, who works in this area is in charge it act of receiving and of the classification of the correspondence, as well as it its register and of its movement.

2,2 DETAILING OF TASKS CARRIED THROUGH FOR a PROTOCOL SECTOR Many tasks are day to day part of the employee of the protocol sector. After all, all the correspondence that arrives at the company passes first for its hands. Thus, it must have a routine to prevent problems of delay or exchange of addressee or any another one that comes to harm the course of the businesses. Generally, the routine includes the following procedures: To receive all the correspondences; To separate the official correspondences of the particular ones; To distribute the particular correspondence; To separate the correspondence of ostensive character? that is, that one that can be opened and be shown? of that one of particular character, that must be directed to who will be destined; To open and to read the ostensive correspondence; To verify if they exist antecedent of this correspondence in the archive institution. If it will have, to provide so that it is grouped.

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