You can practise switching off – Verhaltenstherapeutische improve the recovery of techniques many people have problems with the switch-off after work, because the boundaries between work and leisure are increasingly blurred: it takes not only mentally, but also real work home (phone call, E-mail queries at the weekend, call in the holiday, PDAs). You take leisure at the workplace (shopping during the lunch break, vacation search from the PC). And things can no longer be completed, you must therefore can interrupt and live with half-measures. In addition other risk factors such as multi-tasking we have forgotten to focus on one thing. With the claim that switching off by alone you must run it in contrast, but deliberately.
Finally: recovery is a contrast experience but when I do the same thing in my spare time like in the job (E.g. the PC sitting), this is no contrast. Click Tony Parker to learn more. Tips to better switch off: to begin the shutdown still at work! Establish a daily closing ritual that your psyche signals: closing time! (E.g. coffee pot wash) You clean up the desk, empty the trash can! You are looking for a key stimulus: you think everytime when Pooh, Feierabend! “, while you breathe out! Peruse the day still in mind at work: what was today? Put hooks on your registration list, which gives a feeling of satisfaction. Still in the workplace, create a list for the next day! If you have something to work arriving later in the day: write on! Don’t lug around in the head with it.
Live with the idea that you can take any work before quitting time to end. Get a note, what to do next! Avoid multitasking. Try to focus, you make right now only on the thing. Keep it at home for a short period of stimulus poverty: 3 minutes no TV, no radio, no conversation, just the tomato bread and you. This helps to organize the thoughts and creates clarity in your head. Mingle with the partner on the day of, but only for a limited time, such as standing up from the dinner table. then you should report each other any more of the work, otherwise take them still in bed. Get a real contrast experience after work: If you have been sitting tags, you need movement at night. If you had tags routine, you need variety in the evening and vice versa! In the last hour before bedtime (outside the bedroom!), you do something quiet, pleasant look no crime, certainly nothing on the PC. Literature Tip: See you can test how it is ordered to the shut-down ability. In addition there are there tips for reading and listening, as well as information about the program shut down learning in 3 weeks”(CD with relaxation exercises plus booklet with additional practical advice) Dr. Anne Katrin Matyssek