February 14th, 2015 by thesuper

Therefore the professor revolutionizes the way of the pupils to think, where it presents the emotion and the feelings as basic part stops in the accomplishment of its deeper desires, possessing as Latin legend carpe diem (it uses to advantage the day) that it meant uses to advantage its lives, where it started to be the permanent motto for some of its pupils, whom Keating professor stops the true education is the one that induces the individual to choose what it likes, what it is inside of itself, and not what it is tax where they do not become object of projection of the desires of the others. the time passes, arrives the oldness and the death and what it was carried through during its time of life, says reflecting it of the professor who was ' ' that the time pass and vocs comes if to become food of vermes' '. It was an excellent reflection of the exploitation of them (pupils) stops with its lives. He is through the interaction between the educator and educating that if of a learning; the challenges if had placed in a different position in the life and the school when being stimulated by the professor when going up in boards and try to enxergar the classroom, the education and the life under a new to look at different making with that they assume its life and they have a vision criticizes of what the fence. Or when they are stimulated by this to breach with the exceeded values and education without utility to life. The film thus exerts its paper of entertainment, but above all of raising the quarrel of the education as mantenedora of the rigidity, the authoritarianism, the institucionalismo. One to look at on the education of distanciamento, contedista, limitante in the communication, the development where the professor is the detainer of knowing and the pupils are simple stowages of the tradition.

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