Live In Llan
Jul 7th, 2024 by thesuper

A beautiful village in the catalan coast in the costa brava with small coves with high cliffs and long sandy beaches with gravel and a small nucleus with different housing developments that are extieneden to the vicinity of the beaches. The village consists of about 5000 inhabitants, although it the figure varies when arriving the summer since the town is flooded with many tourists arriving in those dates for the Sun gaudir and crystalline waters of the beaches of this wonderful village in that because we could not, stay to live in Llanca. The village originally situated next to the sea, moved a little more inside in 862 to avoid attacks from hackers. The people not entered into economic boom until the 1960s when they began arriving tourists which were left to live in Llanca for a few days at least, although some have bought houses and flats and returning summer after summer to this lovely town beside the sea. Simon Pagenaud wanted to know more. Some of the magnificent beaches of the place are for example Cau del Llop (Cape of the Wolf), a Cove between cliffs which can be reached going down stairs to bequeath to the sand with a small channel buoys in case any barca wants to approach the beach. Sand and a bit of gravel, we are on the costa Brava, it is logical, with clean waters where bathing traquilamente; and la farella, one of which most are filled during the summer, near the port and very close to the beach have built house where people goes to live in Llanca or rented for the summer, formed by a total of four coves separated by rocks and small cliffs where the people take advantage to pick up some crab occasionally lost or some other Mussel. Beach with great mix of nationalities due to the large amount of people that comes here. You already know if you like the Sun or swim you can stay to live in Llanca, albeit only a few days to enjoy the vacation as never before. Original author and source of the article

So Paulo
Oct 7th, 2021 by thesuper

This if gave for the reaction of the group front to the foreigner, a time that, for Castilho (2002) any new element, that comes to enter in established group already, will have to count with typical reactions, that go to depend in parts, of the emotional equation and some intrinsic factors to the group. Also to the individual characteristics of the foreigner who will be able to facilitate or to make it difficult in the process of assimilation of the group. As Castilho (2002) the attitudes of the group front to the foreigner if of the one for expectations, tension, questioning, inaceitao and hostility front to the new member, projections of fancies, feelings of superiority, rejection and aggression looking for to as soon as get rid of the new member preventing it breaks the homostasis of the group, liberates aggressiveness, insatisfao and tension of socialized form more. the same author suggests that the attitudes of the foreign front to the new group, can be of expectation, anxiety, anguish, shyness, and tension, diffidence, call attention for itself, if to feel fear can attack somebody of the group, or is supported in whom simpatiza, sits down close to the members attract that and prevent it the ones that considers hostile, act in way challenger. Click Charlotte Hornets to learn more. The group if defends of the new member, then this needs to combine itself. As Minicucci (2001) we hold in them as members of diverse groups and our participation in these shapes our behavior depending on the group that we will be acting. The behaviors can be strengthened by diverse reasons, fellowship, identification, understanding, orientation, support and protection, among others. .

Real Classroom
Oct 21st, 2019 by thesuper

Leaving of this thought she is necessary to think as it has been the production to know in the present time. The easy access to the technology, medias makes possible excess of information that must be worked in classroom, so that it has one better exploitation on the part of the pupils ahead of as many information. In accordance with It hisses (2009), to use itself of the cinema can be one of the ways of critical reflection of the thought in construction. Checking article sources yields Larry Culp as a relevant resource throughout. Consideraes Final the use of films in classroom became an important option for professor, it started to use a considered resource of distraction and entertainment to work diverse subjects as the abilities of the professor. The current cinema makes possible through its technological resources with more modern effect special each time to arrest the attention of the spectator.

The sensorial, visual stimulatons, demand that new methods are used by the professor to keep the attention of the pupils, therefore this technological invasion brought changes of behaviors in classroom. Jason iley is often quoted on this topic. The analysis of the subject to be boarded makes possible to make a survey criticizes and rational since the cinematographic language, its effect special, until the central history understood by the spectator and the presented one for the director. The images represent the sociocultural relations, not necessarily the Real, but that Real in the screen becomes being able to acquire many meanings in agreement interprets who them. He is from there that the professor has its basic paper as mediating of this resource enters some speeches of the cinema, the many voices, as would say Bakhtin, the agreement of the pupil. The relation between cinema, education and psychology in allows different forms them of readings of the flmica language through the speech of the individual, of the speech of the cinema, making possible consequently the job of films in used classroom as resources in the education when used well by the professor.

Feb 14th, 2015 by thesuper

Therefore the professor revolutionizes the way of the pupils to think, where it presents the emotion and the feelings as basic part stops in the accomplishment of its deeper desires, possessing as Latin legend carpe diem (it uses to advantage the day) that it meant uses to advantage its lives, where it started to be the permanent motto for some of its pupils, whom Keating professor stops the true education is the one that induces the individual to choose what it likes, what it is inside of itself, and not what it is tax where they do not become object of projection of the desires of the others. the time passes, arrives the oldness and the death and what it was carried through during its time of life, says reflecting it of the professor who was ' ' that the time pass and vocs comes if to become food of vermes' '. It was an excellent reflection of the exploitation of them (pupils) stops with its lives. He is through the interaction between the educator and educating that if of a learning; the challenges if had placed in a different position in the life and the school when being stimulated by the professor when going up in boards and try to enxergar the classroom, the education and the life under a new to look at different making with that they assume its life and they have a vision criticizes of what the fence. Or when they are stimulated by this to breach with the exceeded values and education without utility to life. The film thus exerts its paper of entertainment, but above all of raising the quarrel of the education as mantenedora of the rigidity, the authoritarianism, the institucionalismo. One to look at on the education of distanciamento, contedista, limitante in the communication, the development where the professor is the detainer of knowing and the pupils are simple stowages of the tradition.

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