Children's poet, an honorary citizen of Temnikov, wwii veteran, a veteran teacher labor Fedor Nikolaevich Bobylev, was born June 20, 1912 in Temnikov. On the works of fn Bobylev grew more than one generation of young temnikovtsev. Someone remembers the Rainbow-arc, and someone "Bear-idler" They are more hundreds – of small instructive poems and stories, fun, funny, lyrical, about work and friendship, pets and nature. Artworks fn Bobylev's the first thing published in a local newspaper, has repeatedly been published in national and national newspapers and magazines. Collected in the books, they are published in large editions in Mordovia and beyond limits. Inconspicuous-looking collections without the usual gloss for the kids present – valuable content.
At the close of preschool children and toddlers have to disclose the theme of good and moral education, served examples of honor, conscience and dignity – the main human values. Poems by Fyodor Nikolayevich in his time were set to music. Back in the 60's in Moscow published collections of songs for children were included once popular songs on poems of the poet. The songs were recorded for radio and broadcast. The famous Soviet composer, ll Kogan, author of major musical works, pop songs and songs for children, recalling the work on the cycle of children's Songs on poems by fn Bobylev, argued that " he was personally very close to it (VF Bobylev) creativity." Writing poetry F.N Bobylev began during his school years, and his first experience was approved by the rural village school teacher Tretyakovo – small motherland on this one, where he studied for the first through fourth grade.