German Video
January 26th, 2024 by thesuper

Over 400 videos provide information on the new pages about the beliefs and practice of the Scientology religion, as well as new churches and all social programs the Scientology Church International revised and the Scientology video channel website recently. The Scientology video channel contains well over 400 videos and is fully compatible for mobile phones and iPads. In 2008, the Scientology Church International started the documentary series on the Scientology video channel “Meet a Scientologist”. These videos have been viewed over 6.5 million copies on the and YouTube. Added by and interviews with different Scientologists to the video channel.

They speak in individual videos about their religion and how they benefit from it. Also the creed, what Scientologists believe and their views can be seen on the video channel. Also in Germany a new website was built, which contains up-to-the-minute data and background information: You newly revised (in English) and (in German language) websites are published now also facts and statistics, the Scientology-sponsored charitable social programs. Interested can check the also church a variety of social activities of Scientology, such as on drug prevention, human rights, solutions for a better education, activities of the Scientology Volunteer chaplains, Dianetics, and much more. Another area informed worldwide about the newly opened Scientology churches were opened in the last 7 years. Nine churches were opened in the last year. Reports about opening events and video tours of the new churches are also included, as well as information about upcoming openings.

The most popular video on the Scientology video channel is the biography of L. Ron Hubbard. You provides an overview of the life of the founder of the Scientology religion. In addition, the website was completely revised. Here are videos (only in English) about his whole life and work as a researcher, adventurer, author, musician, composer, photographer and art philosopher to be regarded. In addition to get snippets about the many thousand Awards, which was awarded for his works of L. Ron Hubbard. On the sides, religion will be answered over 150 of the most asked questions about Scientology. Site visitor information also about Scientology churches in your area. With the newly redesigned, user-friendly website, it is also very easy to learn religion and their philosophy and practice about Scientology. Information on the many humanitarian programmes for combating drug abuse and illiteracy, as well as to effective aid in disasters and to the promotion of human rights represent the actual image of Scientology. More information: press service of SK Bayern e.V., be Anichstrasse 12, 80802 Munich, contact: Uta Eilzer, Tel. 089-38607-145, FAX. 089-38607-109,

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