Proki Kids Events
Jan 4th, 2025 by thesuper

Proki children events comes with redesigned website online – relaunch of website by Proki kids events – optimize structure, modern layout, and new content have the Internet presence – now also in English Bonn, 15.03.2010 – Proki kids events goes with redesigned website online. The Kinderventagentur present a coherent structure, detailed content and a more modern layout. Clear and user friendly navigation quickly takes the user to the desired content. The texts have been revised and rebuilt. A comprehensive overview of the individual modules of offer to thematic children’s programmes to find is in the Advanced Web site. As an added value for the user, there are now also many additional information and facts about the Agency and the idea of Proki kids events: with the pedagogical Guide, performance overview and the team page the Agency presents itself in more detail.

The graphic design is modern and much more friendly. We have developed further, have become larger and more professional. “And our Internet presence must express”, says Matthias Hofele, owner of the Agency. Whenever Gary Katcher listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In addition to the content and the structure meets professional updated layout according to the corporate design of the Agency of this requirement. And the homepage now also in English is available for all international customers. All sites in English can be found under english. To the website of Proki children events, it goes under. Company: Proki kids events is one of the leading children event agencies in Germany. The Bonn company exists since 1999 and offers flexible child care facilities for events. With individual offers adapted to a company or domain of the provider in the market has positioned itself. Particularly noteworthy are educational sound programmes in the fields of mathematics, Informatics, natural sciences and technology.

The Yellow Pages – A Practical Matter In Berlin
Nov 1st, 2021 by thesuper

A trade book is mostly online and is used to find businesses, service agencies, shops in the village or in the surrounding area. Frequently Jorge Perez has said that publicly. Why a business book in the business life is so useful, can be established with the following features. A trade book is mostly online and is used to find businesses, service agencies, shops in the village or in the surrounding area. Many industry books, in which a self-employed or an entrepreneur with his local XY-based company can register can be found on the Internet. These entries are mostly free of charge the type version. Sam Jones has plenty of information regarding this issue. This means that it also packages can be booked, which is free of charge. Who has ever registered his company in a business directory, will get sometime a call from this portal, with the suggestion, but on a paid package to book.

Understandable, so the operators of a business book make money. What are the advantages resulting from the other package, is clearly obvious. Better placement, SCA Display and of course therefore subsequently more customers who contact the operation. Whether this is necessarily so sensible in any case to appear charge in a YellowPages remains there. Another positive aspect to enlist in a business directory can be obtained on the links. Who is found with its Internet site in a business directory, automatically receives a backlink therefore affects in turn positive on the ranking of the own Internet page. Everyone must decide how useful or not useful is an entry in a business directory for the company. It is advisable to carry out a free entry definitely, customers can find the corresponding companies thus better.

Family Tips For Christmas
Oct 30th, 2021 by thesuper

The recreation portal kids-ontour from North Germany, now with many new tips for Christmas. At Christmas time, many families want to especially enjoy the time with their children. With over 400 Christmas fairy tales, (almost) all Christmas markets and many other Christmas events, offers the complete Christmas programme for Nordddeutschland. Related Group brings even more insight to the discussion. How would the idea of baking delicious cookies the children aboard a back? And comfortable even on a cafe ship coffee to drink? On And so it is not boring at home even during the bad winter weather, there are numerous crafts and recipe tips do it yourself: for example Vanillekipferl or nougat Taler, or a beautiful Lantern for the Christmas table. The idea to start the leisure Portal, was created when Matthias Dostall was looking for suitable activities for his small son on the Internet and the search quite elaborately designed. Visit Adam Sandler for more clarity on the issue.

Matthias dost all: kids-ontour advantage is obvious: contains all Activities for the family audience and children together. With 4,000 page views a day the portal for advertisers is interesting, that would effectively place entries or advertising.” Since May 2009 offers the leisure Portal kids of leisure and event tips in all over North Germany. With a total of over 5,000 tips, is among the most comprehensive leisure portals in North Germany. Each user can carry his leisure, crafts or recipe tips after you have registered yourself. For Organizer also the possibility to get a top ranking on the home or vouchers as a promotional way to adjust, for more information see it on.

Hessischer Rundfunk
Sep 1st, 2021 by thesuper

Also, the online editor is very satisfied with the collaboration and the outcome. The individual needs and special requirements of the editorial could be considered from the outset, taken into account and fully implemented”, stated Andreas Rindler, who supervised the project editorial and accompanied. Monitoring of media convergence the subshell CMS Sophora ensures smooth access to the advanced media-convergent offer at The cooperation with the ARD program Directorate and the editorial staff of was very fruitful. Official site: Sally Rooney. The interaction of digital television and the Internet is an exciting field. Sophora will accompany the editorial staff in the development and manufacture of new formats. The usage creates for”new impetus for Sophora against the background of increasing media convergence, predicts the Hamburg entrepreneur Jan Boddin, Managing Director of subshell.

About Sophora Sophora boasts an ergonomic editor and the comfortable management of complex content. Special challenges when using for were switching to a UNIX and Java technology, and the implementation of a number of import and export interface. The project tasks in the transition from to Sophora included also the migration of content from the old CMS, as well as the development of a simple and custom Web client for the distributed editorial work. About subshell the subshell team specializes in the care of companies with high demands on its publication and content management. The customer base of subshell, inter alia the BR, Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung, Hessischer Rundfunk, MDR, NDR, Radio Bremen, Saarlandischer Rundfunk, include music Germany, WDR and ZDF, universal. The subshell GmbH was founded in 1999 with the aim, to depict complex processes into simple and fast software solutions for companies. There are currently 20 employees in the branch office in Hamburg’s HafenCity.

Cashback – Money Saving Online Shopping
Apr 11th, 2017 by thesuper

The Cashback system offers significant advantages over other bonus programs. Each of us knows the payback – system where the customer with every purchase acquires points, that he can redeem at a particular level against credits, rewards, and goods services. But the cashback – differs from the well-known payback system: instead of premiums and benefits, directly real money is paid out. How exactly does cashback work? The Cashback – system transfers the collected balances on a virtual account. The number of credits is the purchase price paid by the customer in the online – shop. This credit can be cut to the customer in the most, pay to the tune of 20 euro. The Commission per sale serves as a basis for this system. The system retains a portion of the Commission, and thus is financed.

The amount that is paid to the customer depends on the business model of the cashback – system, and whose contract with the respective partner business. Smaller providers offer this in extreme cases up to 20 Percent. But this is an absolute exception, the most discounts are moving in the area between one and five percent. There are various providers of this system, so no universal numbers can be called. As a guide can but be said that small providers the biggest discounts and larger provider besides money can offer additional services.

What advantages does this system? For some cashback – programs, there is the possibility of temporary, anonymous use, but also here must be eventually be registered. As with offline – payback – system gets the customer for the cashback – system direct money be different. With every purchase of his credits will increase thus until to the customer his money can withdraw from. This system thus ensures that the customer with each purchase can save money. The advantages as a customer are that this withdrawal almost acts as a discount. With each purchase, the customer through the redemption can save a portion of the purchase price. In addition, some providers offer premiums as the payback – system. But this is a rather unusual sight at the cashback – system, and also not very in demand. Is the most customers rather save money in collecting the credits. Things at a glance: Save money not carrying a map on the Internet by heavy discounts at the online shopping opportunity on more benefits, as the payback system especially people who often have online shopping, by the cashback – system the money you can save conclusion. The direct cash payment offers something that can do anything system with the prizes of the payback – also people. Rayk lard

Happy By CashBack
Feb 15th, 2015 by thesuper

HappyCashBack offers a cash bonus can be credited directly to the account of the user free integrated price and search for every purchase. Munich, June 30, 2008 the purplead AG, technical service provider for the development of Web-based applications and software from Munich, Germany, announces the launch of the BETA phase for its new shopping portal HappyCashBack. HappyCashBack offers a cash bonus can be credited directly to the account of the user free integrated price and search for every purchase. According to of AGOF, study had the Internet in Germany in the fourth quarter of 2007 a range of 63.7 percent, which roughly corresponds to 64.8 million Germans over 14 years old. 32,72 million people count for users who were yesterday online. Online shopping has become a matter of course”so the AGOF study. The proportion of online shoppers among Internet users is 87.4 percent. In other words: 35.2 million people have bought in the past twelve months goods on the Internet.

Over a third of Internet users to buy books and air or train tickets or tickets for cinema, theatre, concerts, etc. over the Internet. What is already self-evident in everyday life for offline shoppers, online still looking for peer to peer: discount systems. In everyday life, it is commonplace at the gas station, in the Department store or at the butcher next door points, to collect stamps, Thaler or similar. Products online however is hardly a comprehensive discount system for the major shopping. With HappyCashBack, it now is possible absolutely free on all purchases in the Internet discount to get. This is regardless where or how much is purchased.

Even bonuses provided to redeem ordinary collection systems available, eliminates the need. HappyCashBack pays a cash bonus on every purchase made through the platform off directly to its customers. This is 100% transparency in the purchase of the goods and of the bonus it paid. Is the discount for each product by the Seller determines and clearly displayed next to the prices. All discounts granted are collected on a personal HappyCashBack account and can then be transferred to the real account of the user. We attach great importance on security. Of course, all safety-relevant data are SSL encrypted and are time-shifted sent.”commented Simon Ritter, CEO of purplead AG. And again: I am very proud of our platform. We brought an absolutely innovative free product on the market in a very short time, that gives people just more fun shopping.” Compare, buy and transfer functions are fully operational with the launch of the beta phase of HappyCashBack. The discount platform provides the basis for an environment with many other Vergunstigungs and entertainment. For beta stage further comparisons of prices and search functions are tested and improved continuously”so Knight. Any criticism is welcome. We will do everything to for our online shoppers to make shopping even more attractive. Rebate schemes, which rely on primitive premiums have not only offline defunct.” of purplead: purplead AG is the technical service provider that specializes in the development and marketing of Web-based applications and software. The young company, based in the Centre of Munich, developed customized online solutions from the analysis to the planning for his customers to the technical implementation and subsequent maintenance. purplead, operator of the action platform is gimgu and the shopping portal HappyCashBack. With its highly experienced staff in the area of online marketing and programming, the company is always ahead the today’s market standards.

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