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January 22nd, 2024 by thesuper

Wilfried Reuter: The medicine of Buddha. What does cure mean edition steinrich 2011 Wilfried Reuter, head of the Center Lotus Vihara in Berlin and obstetricians and Gynecologists, knows what he writes, when he refers to the medicine of Buddha. Both conventional medicine and the medicine of the Buddha are familiar to him as a doctor and Buddhist teachers from decades of experience. In his second book Edition working steinrich Reuter means healing with topics such as what”to live with pain” and ethical decisions in difficult situations”. The author describes very impressively that healing means more than physical healing, our entire human being contains and causes to be in profound peace with ourselves and our lives. After him, healing is even possible, if we no longer physically healthy Wilfried Reuter can as we described the path of healing and acceptance with confidence and confidence can go with many examples and concrete suggestions. Doing a very thorough description of a woman with cancer provides a framework, based on which we concretely, understand what is meant by actual healing. Live in the chapter on pain”illuminated the author the topic of pain and makes it clear that pain and suffering are not the same, but that suffering only begins when we defend us against the pain, resist him, let him.

Each person experiences pain, but we must not suffer. In this book, we learn how we can get to that we must persist despite pain in negativity, but can open our hearts. Ethical decisions in difficult situations”, Wilfried Reuter describes with a concrete example of a premature birth, which he accompanied as physician and which dealt with life and death of the child, as we the seven enlightenment elements of Buddhism can be used, that they lead us to make beneficial decisions, i.e. decisions that harm to any living being. The members of the enlightenment begin with mindfulness.

To do this, the author writes: without mindfulness can be your Spirit easily dominated by emotions, personal patterns, embossing and this adult projections and one-sided perspectives. From unilateral perspectives, you may make decisions which are ethically unhealthy and potentially harm you and others. A careful mind can easily switch the perspective.” This and the other members of the enlightenment are explained here as practical that we can apply them directly in our everyday lives. A very alltagsnahes and practical booklet! Hardcover Pocket format, 112 pages, ISBN 978-3-942085-20-5, Euro 12,90, Traudel Reiss

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