When we us so the eternal, of all underlying reflect the spiritual world which is reason for all the physically existing beneath the surface of our everyday Wahrnehmung. And remind us of the fact that we as such are not transitory, so not only to begin to live when we are born as body and also not necessarily put an end to exist if our temporary human body blesses the temporal. Then, there is no relevant reason more for us, this unrealistic fear of death and us to give space in our lives to take therefore a piece of quality of life and kostbaren life and development space. For more specific information, check out James Cameron. This anxiety that restricted our mobility, our freedom of movement to such a large extent, that it is virtually impossible is somehow understandable aufzuzeigen also indirekten and direct influence on our quality of life. You can mention just a few examples to get an approximate idea, how complex, the actual impact is really. It such as not only the situations involving a seemingly direct death threat, such as skydiving, are on a rock climbing, everyday driving or standing on a balcony in the 37th floor, which this fear and their debilitating effect vehemently us experience can be. Fear affects this our intensity of experience specifically involved on happiness, the content or even the experience of trance like States and potentially ecstatic experience immensely.
We are then in that moment of fear Besetztheit may not even able to enjoy the beautiful views in the 37th floor, to feel the freedom of flying during a parachute jump or allow it, that us in the moment of natural ecstasy. that arises from the experience with nature, a wave of peace achieved. Here, we can see very easily that the connection between our fear to die and the General avoidance to he is life. But this is by far not all situations at denen we get to feel the effects of our fear of death.