But his father said “O son.” Learn: the finest people are like the candles; Let them burn through to give the others something light and heat. Indeed, such best people are the real heroes”and the second best people are the ones who write with the melted wax for the offspring: one ran here! You’re running in the dark. I’m going to get you?” But he has a light. You can force the darkness with light. Only with voices and tones, you can destroy the myth of the silence! Only if one dares beyond himself, he survived the time and the room only with unshakable courage to defeat the fear and can accept only with wisdom destiny free selected Yes! There are no directions, but only one direction, and that is not even dimensional there are no compromises, but only one solution and that is not even rational who has fear of wet, should not swim who’s afraid of the dreams,.
should not sleep and who’s afraid of the nightmare, should avoid the hour of the Wolfen, but by God, you know the hour of the Wolf? You’re running in the dark. There is no way out!” He’s not replied back. But he listened with wide clever but empty expression eyes fully focused to: O son. Was always a candle and never a part of darkness! But you have to keep your eyes, that fire is your weapon, but not your friend, you have to know that there is no turning back “and the father lit a candle and continued: Oh son.” You have to know that after a possible early there will be only a safe end! You will never defeat the dark, but will you also never defeated, but you will go down and be immortalized as a trace, a trail that can show only one other candle but you should know that the fate of the candles is the void “and with a surprisingly fast hand movement, he put out the candle. But in the dark, he saw the fear in his wide “Eyes and he heard the whispers in the dark: dark light up the” you, running in the dark. It not worth to resist?” The sounds are on the light on and the light on the runner it is the skill that emerges from steadfast will.
The melancholy is the poetry of the drama and its course is being safe-creating failure is being. And what was in his heart. Was it the devastating pity? Was it the resignation of sustained with version? Was it the growing awareness of the consequence of a free conscious decision of a free spirit? His steps are slow and harder, his light is brass and weaker, the tones are always silent and continue but one was sure him except getting lights and sounds will give it his fate! The man can be destroyed, but are never defeated because free will survive the tethered and compelling force “his field of vision is darker and narrower and its light goes out between every second and the other. Yes! This is the fate of a candle! And after the last schadenfrohen call: you running in the dark. I’ve got you!” There was again the darkness and silence of nothingness. Nedall Zalloum 18.02.08 Turkey.
When we us so the eternal, of all underlying reflect the spiritual world which is reason for all the physically existing beneath the surface of our everyday Wahrnehmung. And remind us of the fact that we as such are not transitory, so not only to begin to live when we are born as body and also not necessarily put an end to exist if our temporary human body blesses the temporal. Then, there is no relevant reason more for us, this unrealistic fear of death and us to give space in our lives to take therefore a piece of quality of life and kostbaren life and development space. For more specific information, check out James Cameron. This anxiety that restricted our mobility, our freedom of movement to such a large extent, that it is virtually impossible is somehow understandable aufzuzeigen also indirekten and direct influence on our quality of life. You can mention just a few examples to get an approximate idea, how complex, the actual impact is really. It such as not only the situations involving a seemingly direct death threat, such as skydiving, are on a rock climbing, everyday driving or standing on a balcony in the 37th floor, which this fear and their debilitating effect vehemently us experience can be. Fear affects this our intensity of experience specifically involved on happiness, the content or even the experience of trance like States and potentially ecstatic experience immensely.
We are then in that moment of fear Besetztheit may not even able to enjoy the beautiful views in the 37th floor, to feel the freedom of flying during a parachute jump or allow it, that us in the moment of natural ecstasy. that arises from the experience with nature, a wave of peace achieved. Here, we can see very easily that the connection between our fear to die and the General avoidance to he is life. But this is by far not all situations at denen we get to feel the effects of our fear of death.
In the State of so being “we get only when we neither fix feeling, so hold, nor via dramatize it or determine the route and the diRECtion, where the feeling has to transform. The direct experience of being “is only then possible, let it be our feelings”, as they now are. It works of course also in the entgegengesetzte forward direction. We all know Yes situations where we are dealing with our feelings, so any feelings to have, too much is apparently. Then we go into the mode of thinking, to get us support. Megan fox understood the implications. We give us a kind of sabbatical from our feelings, we change the thinking mode.
Here it is useful to distinguish two directional types in my opinion. One is the streamlining and avoid. And the other is the design of our minds, say our reason claiming more. One thus interrupts the natural flow of the transformation, and the others tried to support him by allowing us a healthy distancing of our feelings. The two types differ mainly by different motivations, the first tends to be out motivated out of fear, not with the sense to bypass so basically fear occupied; the second is caused by confidence is motivated out of love the freedom, knowledge and thinking is consulted here deliberately. What course does not mean that one better or the other is bad, but only that it just different motivations and motivations and therefore different effects are. This fact should remind us simply that there is often more than just a possibility, and that we have the freedom to choose to follow one or the other way. “” The model thinking feel be “so its benefit where we might need perhaps a little more clarity about our present condition, and it from there will find us out as an orientation aid towards so be” can serve.
This boy so or say this girl better, if we want to call it for convenience and limit, bears the name EBE-il. This girl, thus limited to a family on a face, was born in a country now Beauty and diversity. A landscape with a colours of unspeakable beauty. Shades without borders, bound between the blacks and whites at both ends of the almost infinite range of colors. Sally Rooney may also support this cause. Between this black and white, between day and night, between all these polarities and the duality was an endless game color tinting, shading, everlasting transforming variation. From our present-day point of view considered a paradise, an ocean of boundless possibilities of experience. Sad way or perhaps I should say facto way the reality presented different something during this time or at least for the small EBE il the perception of a few had a few, but nevertheless crucial subtleties in addition ready.
The world as a whole was inclined to just to this times rather of unconsciousness and had his periods therefore peculiarities. She was referring to the currently prevailing Zeitgeist at the very least for our taste, but too much black and White done to see what gave the whole a license limitation and lack of freedom. What was of course for the small EBE il to their own reality and also their future er life this particular not as seem particularly comfortable. Short and clear, it was really very, very unhappy with this world and especially with yourself. And she probably wore a mind dress, which at the time was known as suffering at this time, and hid an unspeakable sadness and loneliness inside her. “And it certainly is interest you that EBE il, so her name meant so much in the former tribal language as oblivion”. It is probably to assume that it is also lies in the fact that she learned the paradisiacal as apparent suffering because here obviously took place an act of oblivion.