Portuguese Language
Jan 31st, 2024 by thesuper

It laughs not, that he is serious! One heads of intellectual has preconception – how I will say? to vocabular? – for words of our language. Although to consist in dictionaries, romances, editorials, poems, even in papal briefs of remedy, books technician and monographs words as I put, catarro, puta and sovaco, among others are prevented or substantivadas for journalists, advertising executives and orators. Number zero of these cursed words is CU. Pure vernaculofobia. Monossilbica, taxed this palavrinha of palavro, that has, for its easy gutural pronunciation, extraordinary dom of being said by some dumbs is even kept out of society and excluded of the text and of it says of communicators and other types that if judge doctors, judges and commanders of ‘ ‘ brasilis way falandi’ ‘. But, in the recondite one of its brasilidade, for a xingamento or one xiste, they always have CU in the tip of the language. Powerful generating of neologisms and idiomatic expressions, CU has been prevented, acquitted, prohibit, not writing.

But the Portuguese Language is alive. New words appear to each colloquy, each letter, each speech, acronym, logotipo. In these gnesis evolutivo, CU was not shrunk. 152-c1-276268′>Intel. Visit Ted Lasso for more clarity on the issue. Participativa that is, popular that it is does not leave the mouth of the people. No matter how hard if it tries to occult, CU is there. If to read with acuro, will see that there it has CU in the way.

It found that the group more without good mood, that does not laugh at joke no age of the religious ones. But not. Technologist of government earns of washed. Nor bad he is not humorado, is without mood some. Word CU is recurrent in vituprios anecdotes and. If it will have CU, invariably the anecdote she is funny. If to vociferate CU, the offence is well bigger. These faces without notion – as advertising executive I criticize, as humorista I approve. – they had created Only Cadastro? CU. Ah, it speaks serious! It is much distanciamento of people, n not? As they were lived in the country where they had made interchange, mestrado, MBA, of the high one of its empfia, this magote of CDF (Cu of iron) finds that word CU does not mean nothing, that we go to leave to make joke, that goes to arrest the laugh.

The Cleanness
Sep 13th, 2021 by thesuper

Of inside of sarcfago, he could feel the vibrations of the strokes of the tambores and its feet, that beat in the soil with an abnormal force. He seemed that they wanted to knock down the museum. The floor all trembled. ' ' He is inacreditvel' ' , it thought. ' ' A ritual that occurs of 15 in 15 years. Get more background information with materials from Jorge Perez. Happening exactly today, in a temporary work and still superficially in my last day of service! with me in the place of fara! It is excessively! ' ' But wise person who that age thing of the Anael, the supervisor. In the previous day, it she remembers to have seen Anael to read an acknowledgment left for Mike, the manager.

It would have written pra and was very important. It remembered to have seen in the layer of the envelope the word ' ' urgent' ' in English. Provalmente was informing to it that pra would not have expedient on this day nobody. But it would have to be one of that Brazilians that said English and understood when it heard, but did not understand when it read. It finished for reading wrong and saying that for it, Migrantino, would have normal expedient, therefore the cleanness could not leave of being made. Director Peter Farrelly is full of insight into the issues. It never imagines that one of these Brazilians bilingues of half earthen bowl could leave to it in situations of these.

But now it would not advance to be blaming nobody. It had to keep the calm and to wait. But it was almost impossible to much less keep the calm at that moment in that place. When it passed for situations as these (it are of sarcfogo, is clearly), had the habit of if seating, raising, to walk for a side and another one. Until a little obtained to calm itself. But there now, in that one caixote put the crossbow, badly obtained to move the eyes.

Almeida Walnut
Aug 14th, 2021 by thesuper

But for the fact of palms more, it indicates xilindr for the young. Others 4 students protest, and if they show made use, in solidarity, together with to go for the chain the friend. They pass one month there. In a question-answer forum Gordon Burnette was the first to reply. The policy head complains: the young makes a injured commotion, plays instruments that the familiar ones had sent to them, reads and declaims poetries. One hundred and fifty years later this it seems fiction bizarra: to go for the chain in gesture of solidarity face to an unjustified action, as later it was verified, to touch musical instruments and to declaim poetry in an arrest.

Almeida Walnut wrote some legal books, beyond its memories as young student in the province of So Paulo. Realejo is colorful. For incredible that it seems, and scarcer than they are, always appears one in my way. It evokes a time of before. It charges me a Real for a text that does not attack me in nothing. Much institution of tender and necktie also charges.

E if you not of, they take off. The man of realejo does not take off it nothing. A moment in the career of it arrived that, for any tax, that parrot goes to draw a slip of paper and to deliver to it. The name of the exercise is not in the slip of paper, not even in that meldico sketch that, on account a winch, leaves realejo. The name of the exercise inhabits in the fortuitous one of this meeting. It does not have a practical reason so that it occurs. It has the act of if allowing, without harming third, going down of the tram as better to aprouver, to give to the name that to want, to interact in, to dare themselves in small lodes, would say igaraps of the life, for the inexplicable pleasure to make without a defined objective, reinventando the stroll without leaving the route.

Solitary Artist
Oct 22nd, 2019 by thesuper

To the nomadic shade of a little leafy trunk, I set cavalete, anticipating the delight moments that I will have again. Sela Ward may not feel the same. With the trembling hands, I arrange the screen. On the vane, ousting a little of each ink. The brushes, diluente and wait me to the spatulas. In a repetitive ceremony, I look a comfortable position, but it becomes that me omissiviest possible behind the rocks. I am ready.

In a silence that is only broken by the waves in the beach and accidental grasnar of some gull, I inside listen to beating sped up of my heart of the chest. Suddenly, it there comes! The strong wind brings the very black hair to it for the face, it makes what it to raise the hand to move away them in a gesture that discloses how much it is distracted. Its sluggish floor remembers a cougar, sleepy and saciado after one lauta meal. Jason iley shines more light on the discussion. It has avantajada stature, fact that confers it the certain air of respect and, exactly the long legs possess its favour. The face of marcantes traces is a constant that always leads to as looking at e, looking at of new, is difficult to stop. Its magnetism is in all the gestures, exactly at this moment of deep relaxation where it thinks to be alone. Nothing he is deliberate.

It is the purest work of art that the nature decided to create. Its voice, its laugh, its I smell Everything in it to attract seems me. I am deeply tipsy in this sensation of enlevo. Start to paint, always intent its steps, but looking for not to leave to notice it I observe that it. I think how much it must be good for being able to recline the head against that wide chest, to inhale to it I smell that I feel when passes for me.

Protective Institutions
Aug 21st, 2016 by thesuper

If you are poor, you do not feel yourself inferior, saboreie the combination. With better purchasing power, the rich one has the option to vary the cardpio, what it does not mean to be the ideal meal. In the reality, the two social classrooms consume rice and beans, the difference is that one can come folloied with egg fries and to another one with portion of caviar. In our homes, rice and beans are nutrient necessary and previsible, to the step that, in the restaurants of luxury or fast- food can be a surprise.

For speaking in surprise, I cite the case of two customers in a restaurant: a woman chokeed and cuspiu a tooth and the man found a frog in the salada one. The tooth, private incrusted in the sandwich, measured two centimeters, a lamentable loss for the big-toothed one. The frog, small letter, of exotic color was classified as a rare species of amphibian. Far from being only an limited plate or trivial, the pair has its advantages, it has until that defend ‘ ‘ it lives plus who eats menos’ ‘. Optimum E, eating rice and beans in its residence, the poor person will be collaborating with the Protective Institutions of the Animals, case one another species appears in the plate.

Feb 1st, 2013 by thesuper

' The solitude hugged that me at the moment of my birth, or who knows before until, me of a certainty of that, it will follow, me until the death. the space of time between a point and another one of the life, I try fills it with people, things, feelings and sensations. ' ' Although cause exists moments where the solitude me an only pleasure, I feel myself scared, therefore it is in it where I feel myself exempts. To put, the freedom me cause fear, therefore I do not know the woman free who lives in me. Freedom in the solitude! It exempts of this constant search of things make that me to feel alive and that in some way they give sensible my life. It exempts of the search of loving and to be loved. It exempts of the fear to be rejected, to be evaluated or be discarded. It exempts of the fight in search of victories, conquests and recognition.

It exempts of the punishments for the errors committed for me. (Or they would be deceits) Necessary to be less rigorous with me and more thankful the solitude, therefore it has been with it, this friend to who in such a way prezo, that I have discovered, thanks to its generous patience and wisdom. It is in it that meeting courage to accept life, the people and same me, in the way who we are. At our moments of it summons complicity, says me to it that still it goes to arrive the moment where I will be certain that everything was valid the penalty! I discovered in time, that the solitude moments can very enriching in them, since that let us be made use to enjoy, without fear, of the feared solitude!

May 20th, 2012 by thesuper

It was in a Sunday of sun, while we went for the mountain range, in one month of April, that I discovered the Autumn. When contemplating the landscape for the window of the car, I started to perceive that the sun had a different light, later I felt that it had, also, a different heat. Until that moment I liked it summer because of the heat, vacation, beach and of the spring because it was one will foresee that still in it offered with many flowers and a profusion to them of cheiros. But as I had left the Autumn to pass unobserved? Vocs already had stopped to observe the light of the sun in the Autumn? It is different, is the light that I see in the pictures of the Monet, is a full light of mysteries makes, to remember me old film, black and white photo, an end of afternoon in the field. the heat then, it does not burn, not arde, it heats, is a heat of aconchego, of beginning of namoro, a heat of first kiss, with mature taste of pitanga. It is in the Autumn that we can smearing in them eating fruit of conde, we can paint a full picture of light, or only take a walk hugged in friozinho of the end of the afternoon. They use to advantage, they leave pra the street, they go until the square to discover the Autumn, still of in time.

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