Catechism of the Catholic Church Catechism of the Catholic Church is the presentation of the faith of the Church and of Catholic doctrine, attested to or illumined by Sacred Scripture, the Apostolic Tradition and the Magisterium. It is one of the catechisms of the Church Universal that have been written in history, so it is considered the most reliable source on basic doctrinal issues of the Catholic Church. The wording of this catechism, with the development of the new Code of Canon Law, the Code of Law of the Catholic Eastern Churches, the Compendium of Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church and the General Catechetical Directory documents represent the most important fruits of the renewal initiated at the Council and that have become reference texts on the Catholic Church and documents of great significance for contemporary church history.The Catechism of the Catholic Church is an instrument of public law citation needed for the Universal Church, that is, is a document that can be consulted, quoted and studied in full freedom for all members of the Catholic Church to raise awareness with respect to the fundamentals of the faith. Likewise is the official reference text for the drafting of the catechisms Catholics around the world. As part of the activities of the twentieth anniversary of the closing of Vatican II, II convened an extraordinary session of the Synod of Bishops on January 25, 1985 to thank God and celebrate the enormous spiritual fruit products the Council.As part of the conclusions of this event, the Synod asked the Pope to be organized the drafting of a Catechism of all Catholic doctrine to be the starting point of all the catechisms of local churches and also was an instrument of public law for the Church Universal, that laid out rigorously all aspects of doctrine, clearly spelled out the principles of morality and liturgy, while being entertaining in its own language and adapted to modern times. Given the desire of the Synod in 1986 the Pope called for a commission of twelve bishops led by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (who became Pope Benedict XVI) to prepare the draft of the Catechism. The first committee, supported by a group of seven other bishops experts in theology and catechesis, were appointed to support the Commission. They opened the consultation of the whole Church throughout all the Catholic bishops and theological institutes and of catechesis.During 6 years were reviewing contributions from the world church, on a par to make the wording. It made nine versions of the text, including modifications of theologians and experts from around the world. John Paul II declared that one can say that the Catechism is the result of all the collaboration of the episcopate of the Catholic Church. The writing team was composed as follows: Part of the confession of faith is blamed Archbishop Estepa (Spain) and Bishop Maggiolini (Italy), of the sacraments, Bishop Medina (Chile) and Archbishop Karlic (Argentina) and the moral, Archbishop Honor (France) and Bishop Konstant (England). Later he decided to devote a portion of the Catechism to prayer, and was chosen because the writing was entrusted to a bishop East as author: the Father Corbon. On October 11, 1992 is published in French in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CIC) as a formal statement of the teachings of the Catholic Church, by authority of Pope John Paul II.Spanish version has the ISBN 968605674 of this first version. In 1993 a new commission, led again by Joseph Ratzinger, was responsible for receiving the many changes around the world received the first version to write the definitive text in Latin, the project concluded with the release of version official America August 15, 1997, the result of intense efforts over ten years where he attended many members of the Church Universal.