Many people vacation with little money, and in such cases it is important to know how to save money, not to spend more than what we have. To begin with, you should plan these vacations with time. So we can get to get promotions or things as well. Something very interesting is to seek alternative means of transport. For example, in Argentina we can traveling by train for a minimum fraction of what would be a trip into collective and not to mention a plane ride.
Another option is to make finger, or bicycling (I have a friend who last year was spinning bike for two months, which saved a lot of money). To get cheap hosting, we can resort to the hostels, cheap hotels, or sites like Couch Surfing, where you will find people willing to host them without paying a weight. When it comes to eating, do it in bars or restaurants you can quit expensive. The best is take food prepared from home, or cooking in the place, always trying to economize the maximum. Doing tours is something very interesting, but it usually has a high cost. If stay in a hostel will surely know people, and some perhaps is willing to take them in auto somewhere when they come out (with my old tend to bring people that we know in the hotel with us to the river). Those are just some ideas, others think of you?